Topic: Functional Language
Standard Lesson 60 min
Fancy a train ride?
GeneralTalk about train rides with this lesson! Students practise train-related vocabulary, watch part of a video about train travel and discuss their preferences and experiences. They also explore phrases to buy tickets and work in pairs.
Standard Lesson 60 min
In a souvenir shop
GeneralWith this lesson, students explore souvenir vocabulary, watch a video about a souvenir shop and listen to an audio where people talk in a gift shop. Students also discuss a price list, role-play a conversation and practise useful phrases for shopping.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Excuses, excuses!
GeneralPractise common ways to make excuses with this lesson! Students discuss common reasons for making excuses, watch a short video about the best excuses for being late and work in pairs making and responding to excuses.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Sealing the deal
BusinessTalk about negotiation with this lesson! Students practise negotiation phrases and structures, watch a video on steps to succeed in negotiation and role-play situations involving negotiation.
Standard Lesson 75 min
Can I get a cup of tea? (at a café)
GeneralExplore café situations! Students practise phrases for ordering and serving food, watch and listen to customer-server interactions, and role-play a conversation at a café. They also ask and answer questions about the menu.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Nice glasses! (giving and receiving compliments)
GeneralStudents give and receive compliments in this lesson! They watch a funny video in which a man compliments strangers, learn phrases to give and receive compliments, and discuss the concept. They also role-play compliment situations and look at compliment rules!
Standard Lesson 75 min
Just to confirm… (functional language for meetings)
BusinessTalk about meeting situations with this lesson! Students practise phrases for meetings, watch a funny video and share their own experiences. They also role-play a situation where they are employees at a company discussing who does which task.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Chatting with co-workers (fillers and backchanneling)
BusinessPractise filler words with this lesson! Students share what they chat with their colleagues about, watch two short videos of small talk at work and explore filler words to make conversations more natural. They also role-play dialogues.
Fixing mistakes and misunderstandings
Business GeneralStudents explore workplace mistakes and common misunderstandings while learning and practising effective ways to apologize for them.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Excuse me, where is the food court? (giving directions)
GeneralWith this lesson, students practise giving and asking for directions! Students talk about shopping centres, watch a video about a large shopping centre in Canada and learn the names of places and things they might find at the mall.
Standard Lesson 60 min
What’s your name? (first lesson for A1 students)
GeneralGet to know your elementary students with this first lesson for A1 English learners! Students learn words for understanding classroom instructions, listen to recordings, and practise basic dialogues. They practise spelling, answer questions, and do some ‘true or false’ exercises.
Standard Lesson 90+ min
My bad! (making and accepting apologies)
Business GeneralWith this lesson, students discuss experiences and ways to apologize! They listen to a recording of people talking about work mistakes and practise phrases to apologize, promise solutions and accept apologies.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
The doctor will see you now
GeneralStudents go to the doctor’s with this lesson! They learn functional vocabulary and watch an advice video about how to make the most from your doctor’s visit. They work with vocabulary to answer questions, describe ailments, and do a roleplay.
Standard Lesson 60 min
What’s the weather like?
GeneralStudents learn weather vocabulary for beginners! They match descriptions with pictures, watch a video, and talk about weather preferences. They learn how to talk about everyday weather, discuss the different seasons, and describe local climates.
Where are you staying?
GeneralIn the first lesson, students learn vocabulary to talk about holiday accommodation. They also write a hotel review. In the second lesson, they practise functional language for hotel situations using the vocabulary from the first lesson.
Standard Lesson 75 min
I’m calling to change my reservation (functional language)
GeneralStudents talk about hotel situations, practise functional language for hotel interactions and watch a video about welcoming a guest to an Airbnb flat. They also do a role-play using target vocabulary.
Standard Lesson 75 min
Can you weigh in on this?
BusinessStudents learn functional vocabulary for meeting facilitation and share relevant experiences, approaches, and opinions. They discuss the facilitator role and learn facilitation techniques. They also watch a video and do a roleplay.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Time for a performance review!
BusinessWith this lesson, students learn functional vocabulary to talk about performance reviews (e.g. overlook, reassess). They discuss hypothetical situations and engage in a role-play. They also share opinions, watch a video, and discuss performance management tools.