Category: Lifestyle
Flipped Lesson 30 min
Can you find hidden messages in these logos?
LifestyleThis ESL logos lesson plan is based on a video about the hidden meanings of some logos and consists of different vocabulary and speaking activities that will get students talking about brand logos.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Let’s binge watch it together!
LifestyleIn this lesson plan students learn advanced TV vocabulary, discuss statistics connected with binge watching and talk about their TV series watching habits.
Flipped Lesson 45 min
How to live 100 years and more
LifestyleThis longevity lesson plan will make your students work at home on a video as well as on word formation, and discuss ideas about living 100+ years.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Is Kopi Luwak on your bucket list? (wish structures)
Grammar LifestyleIn this lesson plan students will learn and practise ‘wish’ structures as well as watch a video about the most expensive coffee in the world, Kopi Luwak.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Why do we take selfies?
Lifestyle TechnologyOur selfie lesson plan focuses on word formation, listening, and language straight from Instagram. All that based on an authentic street interview with New Yorkers.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Let’s go to the movies! – ESL lesson plan on films
LifestyleThis ESL lesson plan on films is based on a video review of Pain and Glory. Your student will learn new vocabulary and write a short film review themselves.
Standard Lesson 30 min
Love it or hate it!
LifestyleThis worksheet can supplement lesson plans on art and includes various phrases that more advanced students might use when expressing likes and dislikes.
Standard Lesson 60 min
When graffiti ends up in art galleries
LifestyleThis ESL graffiti lesson plan is based on a TV report on street art and will encourage your students to learn new vocabulary and discuss this modern art form.
Standard Lesson 75 min
Do you feel FOMO? – phrasal verbs with out
LifestyleIn this lesson plan, you will talk with your students about FOMO, and its opposite – JOMO, while teaching them various phrasal verbs with ‘out’.
Flipped Lesson 45 min
How to read body language
LifestyleWe debunk some myths and give tips in our body language lesson plan but most importantly your students will learn new interesting vocabulary and practise it.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Stress? Let’s deal with it!
Business LifestyleUse our stress management lesson plan to teach phrases with the word stress and discuss how to cope with workplace stress and how it affects your life.
Flipped Lesson 45 min
How to learn a language like a hyper-polyglot
LifestyleInspire your students by introducing them to a hyperpolyglot! Use our flipped classroom worksheet to teach new vocabulary and practise speaking skills.
Standard Lesson 60 min
The changing face of sport (sports vocabulary)
LifestyleThis B1 lesson plan is our attempt to touch upon the topic of sport, and introduces a lot of sports vocabulary. It is based on a video featuring teenage girls who are professional boxers.
Standard Lesson 30 min
Movie quotes you should know!
Grammar LifestyleWith this worksheet, your students will learn some classic movie quotes, use them to practise reporting verbs and do some fun pairwork activity.
Standard Lesson 75 min
Practise reported speech with Vogue interviews
Grammar LifestyleUse Vogue 73 Qs interviews to teach your students reported speech with our original lesson plan and discover new facts about their favourite celebrities!
Flipped Lesson 45 min
Gastrodiplomacy (with food idioms)
LifestyleThis food lesson plan is prepared for B2 students and it’s about a phenomenon called gastrodiplomacy. Your students will also learn new food idioms and practise using them!
Standard Lesson 45 min
Is e-sport a sport?
Lifestyle TechnologyThis worksheet goes deeper into the world of video games, makes students explore esports and study some sport-related language.
Flipped Lesson 30 min
Can you spot when someone is lying?
LifestyleTED Talk-based English lesson plan focused on idioms about lying. Engage students to learn at home and practise new language during your classes!