This B1 lesson plan is our attempt to touch upon the topic of sport and introduces a lot of sports vocabulary. It is based on a video featuring teenage girls who are professional boxers. The worksheet is full of various exercises starting from a warm-up task with the use of the alphabet, through discussion and vocabulary activities and finishing with video comprehension tasks.
B2 / Upper Intermediate60 minStandard LessonPremium Plan
To introduce the topic of sports, your students need to work in pairs first to discover some sports vocabulary. Their task is to think of as many words related to sports as possible starting with all letters from the alphabet. You can set some time limit or give a part of the alphabet to one group and the second for the other. Try to monitor your students and help when needed because they might have problems to with of words starting with some letters, e.g. U (umpire).
Next, they move to a short and general discussion about their preferences when it comes to sports. There is also one questions which introduces a bit the topic of the video.
Before watching the video, students will learn sports vocabulary which appears in the video. First, they need to read some sentences and match the underlined words and phrases with their meanings provided. Then, they move to another task in which they have to analyze pictures from the video and think what the video might be about.
In the next exercise, students watch the video for the first time and try to complete gaps with one word each. The aim of this task is to consolidate students’ knowledge of words that they learnt in the previous tasks. It will also facilitate listening for details later. After checking their answers, students watch the video one more time. Now, they have to decide whether provided sentences are true or false according to the video.
The lesson finishes with two discussion activities. The first one concerns mainly aspects that the video showed. The other one is more about students’ opinions on some controversial issues connected with sports. They can work in pairs or groups and discuss whether they agree or disagree with the statements. Monitor their work and make them justify their opinions.
EXTRA WORKSHEET – Sports Phrasals
This extra worksheet is focused on introducing and practising sports phrasal verbs. Your students will discover 8 phrasal verbs in context and learn how to use them in a series of 3 production activities. Use this worksheet as a follow-up to the lesson or as a stand-alone thing if you want to extend your students vocabulary.
Subscribe to unlock these and many other Standalone lesson with the Premium plan
Thanks for sharing! I used this lesson plan with teenagers and it worked very well.
Nice! Great your teenage students appreciated it.
Hello! I don’t see the extra worksheet on Sports Phrasals (I pay for a subscription).
Hi! Extra worksheets are now separate lesson posts. However, we forgot to add a link to the sports phrasal verbs worksheet here.
I’ve just added the link in the text above, but you can also click here: https://eslbrains.com/sports-phrasal-verbs/
Hi the link is not working
Hi Rachel! Which link doesn’t work for you? Can you start a conversation with us via chat or send us a message through the contact form: https://eslbrains.com/contact/
Thanks for the lesson plan! It’s great but the pdf seems to be a bit broken (too many spaces) on pages 3-5.
Hi! Thanks for spotting that! We’ve just fixed the worksheets 🙂