Topic: HR
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Talking about professions
BusinessIn this speaking class, students answer some conversation questions about professions. They also watch two videos about unusual jobs, and share their views on some issues regarding jobs and careers.
Standard Lesson 60 min
The changing work model
BusinessIn this lesson, students watch a video about a co-working space, practise using adjectives and get a lot of speaking practice.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Understanding professional motivations
BusinessIn this lesson students talk about different types of workers described in the article, discuss some questions about motivations, and learn vocabulary to explain what motivates them at work.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Location-based pay – a thing of the past?
BusinessIn this lesson students learn some useful vocabulary to talk about salaries, discuss if location-based pay should become a thing of the past, and share their views on pay transparency and salary bands.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Menstrual leave sparks debate
Business Global IssuesIn this lesson, students learn advanced words and phrases to express opinions, talk about the idea of menstrual leave and hold a debate.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Can stay interviews keep employees from leaving?
BusinessIn this lesson, students discuss the idea of stay interviews in depth and learn phrases which are useful to talk about employer-employee relationship.
Standard Lesson 60 min
What motivates you at work?
BusinessIn this worksheet on employee benefits, students learn vocabulary and watch a video about companies offering cool perks. They also have plenty of opportunities to discuss benefits and other things which motivate them at work.
Standard Lesson 75 min
The art of giving feedback
BusinessIn this lesson, students discover a formula to help them give great feedback and learn some useful phrases for giving and receiving feedback in English. They also watch a video about giving feedback and learn vocabulary related to it.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Rethinking your mindset
Business LifestyleWith this speaking lesson plan, students watch a video about growth and fixed mindsets and get plenty of opportunities to discuss them. They also learn some collocations referring to challenges and development, as well as practise word formation.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Could a bossless workplace work?
BusinessWith this lesson plan, students discuss how they feel about a bossless workplace. They also learn some useful vocabulary related to worker cooperatives and the hierarchical structure of a traditional workplace.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
The gig economy: good or bad for workers?
BusinessThis lesson plan gives students the opportunity to learn and practise words related to freelance work and discuss pros and cons of the gig economy.
Standard Lesson 75 min
The right to rest and other employment laws
BusinessIn this lesson students learn vocabulary related to the topic of employment law, watch a video about a new law passed in Portugal and share their views on employment regulations around the world.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Is it ‘OK not to be OK’ when you’re an athlete?
Business LifestyleIn this lesson students learn words and expressions related to mental health while talking about mental health issues suffered by athletes. They also discuss ways to promote mental health by public institutions.
Standard Lesson 75 min
What we do and why we do it (expressing purpose)
Business GrammarIn this lesson based on a video about reasons why people work, students practise expressing purpose with to and for. They also discuss everyday activities in the workplace and discover some collocations to describe a day at work.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Why do we glamourise overwork more than ever
BusinessThis lesson plan about overwork is based on an article and gives students the opportunity to learn work-related language, while reflecting on the cult of overwork.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Would you like to work a four-day week? (listening for details)
BusinessIn this lesson students will watch a video on a four-day work week, improve their listening for details skills and and reflect on the positive and negative aspects of working four days a week.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Make the most of your LinkedIn profile
BusinessIn this lesson plan on LinkedIn students discover how to create a successful professional profile, practise their listening skills and write a LinkedIn profile summary.
Standard Lesson 60 min
What do you do?
BusinessThanks to this pre‐intermediate Business English lesson plan, students will learn useful words and phrases for describing companies and jobs.