Category: Business
Standard Lesson 60 min
Layoffs and cutbacks can lead to start-ups (phrasal nouns)
BusinessIn this lesson, students read a short article about a start-up surge and learn some phrasal nouns by working out their meaning from the context. They also use the phrasal nouns in a discussion and a crossword.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Bitcoin goes mainstream! Is cryptocurrency here to stay?
BusinessIn this advanced lesson, students learn some language related to money and cryptocurrencies and discuss what the fact that Bitcoin has gone mainstream entails.
Standard Lesson 75 min
The right to rest and other employment laws
BusinessIn this lesson students learn vocabulary related to the topic of employment law, watch a video about a new law passed in Portugal and share their views on employment regulations around the world.
Standard Lesson 75 min
I’m afraid that’s outside the scope of this meeting
BusinessIn this lesson, students reflect on ways to make a business meeting more productive and practise some useful phrases for business meetings. They also act out typical workplace situations.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Behind every success there are dozens of failures
BusinessIn this lesson about success and failure students watch an interview with Jeff Bezos and learn a few idioms related to failure. They also put them into practice through a role-play activity involving different aspects of business failures.
Standard Lesson 60 min
The circular economy
BusinessIn this lesson, students discover pros and cons of the linear and circular economy and learn some new vocabulary and collocations related to the topic. They also work on a case study and come up with strategies to transform a company following a linear model into a more circular one.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Is being creative enough to succeed in innovation?
Business TechnologyIn this worksheet, students look for synonyms of some advanced phrases, practise word formation and reflect on what it takes to succeed in innovation.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Is it ‘OK not to be OK’ when you’re an athlete?
Business LifestyleIn this lesson students learn words and expressions related to mental health while talking about mental health issues suffered by athletes. They also discuss ways to promote mental health by public institutions.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Closing the gender pay gap
Business Global IssuesWith this lesson plan, students talk about gender stereotypes, watch a video and discuss the factors driving the gender pay gap. They also reflect on solutions to this problem and discover some expressions with the word root.
Standard Lesson 75 min
Have you ever attended a silent meeting?
Business GrammarIn this lesson, students learn how to use Present Perfect for experiences and practise new vocabulary related to workplace meetings.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
How tiny tasks become monsters
Business LifestyleIn this lesson students learn and put into practice dependent prepositions (in phrasal verbs and other expressions) while discussing reasons and ways of dealing with the common problem of procrastination.
Standard Lesson 90 min
Data science and the NBA
Business TechnologyWith this data science lesson plan, students will learn a lot of advanced vocabulary related to the topic and put it into practice through a series of written and oral activities.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
How to do an online job interview right
BusinessWith this lesson plan students learn and practise some useful phrases related to doing an online job interview while discussing ten tips on how to do it successfully.
Standard Lesson 75 min
What we do and why we do it (expressing purpose)
Business GrammarIn this lesson based on a video about reasons why people work, students practise expressing purpose with to and for. They also discuss everyday activities in the workplace and discover some collocations to describe a day at work.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Why do we glamourise overwork more than ever
BusinessThis lesson plan about overwork is based on an article and gives students the opportunity to learn work-related language, while reflecting on the cult of overwork.
Flipped Lesson 75 min
Flying business class (conjunctions and prepositions)
Business GrammarIn this video-based lesson about flying economy, business and first class with Emirates, students will be practising conjunctions and prepositions. They will also discover some luxurious cabin features while discussing business trips.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Blockchain: there’s more to it than crypto
Business TechnologyIn this lesson about blockchain applications, students get an opportunity to practise their listening skills and learn some advanced collocations.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Would you like to work a four-day week? (listening for details)
BusinessIn this lesson students will watch a video on a four-day work week, improve their listening for details skills and and reflect on the positive and negative aspects of working four days a week.