Flying business class (conjunctions and prepositions)

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Grammar - conjunctions and prepositions


conjunctions and prepositionsconjunctions and prepositions


In this video-based lesson about flying economy, business and first class with Emirates, students will be practising conjunctions and prepositions. They will also discover some luxurious cabin features while discussing business trips.

B1 / Intermediate75 minFlipped LessonUnlimited Plan

This is a Flipped Classroom lesson plan. In a nutshell, it means that the first part of the lesson needs to be done by students at home. Learn more about flipped classroom and how we implement it in these lesson plans in our post.


Listening practice & plane cabin features

Before the lesson, students read a short introduction to a video about flying with Emirates. After watching the first part, they complete the gaps in the text to explain what the video is about. Next, they see a list of incomplete elements that they can find on board and have to match them with the words given in a box (e.g. remote/control, lounge/area). Then, students discuss which of them they would expect to find in economy class.The vocabulary task leads to the second part of the video which students watch with the purpose of answering eight multiple choice questions. 


Discussion & conjunctions and prepositions

The in-class part of the lesson starts with a discussion in which students reflect on the video and their own air travel experiences. They move on to a matching exercise and try to match ten aircraft cabin features mentioned in the video with their correct definitions. Having discussed which five elements they would choose to have during a long flight, they once again look at the definitions from the previous task and focus on the highlighted conjunctions and prepositions (e.g. according to, due to). They match them to their meanings or synonyms. The next task gives students the opportunity to put the conjunctions and prepositions into practice. They have to use them to complete a list of seven gapped business travel tips and then decide which of the tips they find useful and why. 

Speaking practice & role play

The final part of this lesson allows students to practise the conjunctions and prepositions orally. First, they look at ten photos and describe them using the corresponding conjunctions and prepositions. After that, students engage in a role-play, where one of them is an employee in an international company who tries to convince their boss that they should travel first class instead of business. The boss needs to come up with disadvantages to this idea. While doing this activity, students look at a box with the conjunctions and prepositions they learnt earlier and have to incorporate them in the conversation.



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Leave a Reply

  1. Kirk Bown

    Looks like another excellent lesson – thank you!

    I have been recently teaching some lessons on the topic of airline flying and this is the perfect accompaniment.

    1. Ewa

      That’s great to hear. I hope your students like the lesson 🙂


    That’s beyond amazing!

    1. Ewa

      Thank you!

  3. Michał Altawil

    I really enjoyed this lesson, it was very interesting and informative 🙂

    1. Ewa

      Much appreciated 🙂

  4. alijeast

    Where can I find the pre-class activity?

    1. Ewa

      Hi! Tasks 1-3 are pre-class (or up to slide 11 in the e-lesson plan). They are marked in red in the teacher’s version of the pdf and with skipped slides in the e-lesson plan.

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