Topic: Travelling
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min

Where would you rather live?
LifestyleStudents discuss places to live and visit with this lesson! They watch a video about living in San Diego, practise the structure ‘would rather’ and work in pairs. Students can also do an optional vocabulary activity where they review adjectives.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min

Less is more: minimalist wardrobe
LifestyleStudents discuss minimalist wardrobes! They watch a video and talk about reasons and rules for maintaining such a wardrobe, as well as talking about their personal style. Students say what they’d wear in different situations and do a role-play about packing for a trip.
Standard Lesson 60 min

We love travelling!
General GrammarTalk about holiday likes and dislikes with this lesson! Students work on vocabulary about holiday activities, practise like/love/hate + ing and explore spelling rules to create gerunds. They also watch a video about a family who travels in a campervan!

Using Present Perfect and Past Simple
Grammar LifestyleStudents learn the differences between Present Perfect and Past Simple while doing various activities and discussing interesting topics.

Talking about weather and clothes
GeneralThis set combines two topics: weather and clothing. Students learn to talk about weather and the clothes for different types of weather.
Standard Lesson 60 min

Dress or jeans: clothes we wear
GeneralStudents talk about clothing in this lesson! They learn clothing vocabulary and look at pictures of different clothing items. They talk about dressing appropriately for events and climates and practise listening skills with videos and recordings.
Standard Lesson 60 min

An unusual place to live
LifestyleThis lesson invites students to talk about unusual places around the world! They practise vocabulary for extreme environments, watch a video about living underground and share their perspectives on the effects of living under extreme conditions.
Standard Lesson 60 min

I’m calling to change my reservation (functional language)
GeneralStudents talk about hotel situations, practise functional language for hotel interactions and watch a video about welcoming a guest to an Airbnb flat. They also do a role-play using target vocabulary.
Standard Lesson 60 min

Sustainable stays: eco-friendly hotels
Business Global IssuesStudents discuss waste and sustainability in the hospitality industry! They watch and discuss a video about an organisation that recycles half-used hotel soaps, learn useful vocabulary, and read and discuss a text about an imaginary hotel.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min

How about a tattoo?
LifestyleWith this lesson, students talk about tattoos! They watch a video about tattoo tourism, share opinions and revise collocations with the word ‘tattoo’. They also discuss workplace discrimination against people with tattoos.

Let’s go around the world
General LifestyleIn the first lesson, students talk about travelling in general. As a second lesson, choose Lesson 2A to practise collocations; choose Lesson 2B to compare countries; or choose Lesson 2C to practise language useful when travelling by plane.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min

Are you ready to go?
LifestyleWith this lesson, students discuss travel preparation, watch a video about tips on packing and talk about potential challenges when travelling. You can also do a vocabulary activity to revise vocabulary related to the topic.
Flipped Lesson 60 min

It’s such a lovely place! (so and such)
Grammar LifestyleWith this lesson, students talk about travel experiences, watch a short video about the capital city of Ghana and practise ‘so’ and ‘such’ structures. They also share their personal experiences and discuss the advantages of different travel options.
Standard Lesson 60 min

Hotel reviews
GeneralEngage students in conversations about different types of places to stay and their experiences! With this lesson, students practise vocabulary related to accommodation, watch videos and write hotel reviews.
Standard Lesson 60 min

My home is your home
LifestyleCheck out this lesson to have an engaging conversation about home swapping and house sitting and help your students learn useful vocabulary to describe experiences.
Standard Lesson 60 min

Please have your boarding pass ready
GeneralStudents learn airport and plane phrases, listen to announcements and watch a video with a song. They also talk, role-play and exchange ideas.
Standard Lesson 60 min

Business trips: fun or boring?
BusinessThis lesson allows students to talk about business trips, learn some useful vocabulary, and have a lot of discussion and role-play.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min

Downsides of tourism
Global IssuesThis speaking lesson focuses on talking about tourism and its problems. Students talk about travelling in general and tourism as an industry, watch a video and discuss solutions to the problems.