Category: Grammar
Standard Lesson 45 min
He couldn’t have seen a ghost!
GrammarIn this grammar lesson, students learn a few idioms for expressing emotions, discover how to use past modals as well as practise them in speaking activities.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Let’s revise Present Simple and Present Continuous
GrammarThis lesson plan is a typical grammar consolidation worksheet. Students revise Present Simple and Continuous and talk a lot using the tenses.
Standard Lesson 60 min
What are your travelling tips? (modal verbs)
Grammar LifestyleThanks to this worksheet, students will discover and practise modal verbs (can, have to, should), watch a video and discuss different travelling tips and rules.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Have an eye on the future
Grammar TechnologyThe objective of this lesson plan is to make students learn and use Future Continuous and Future Perfect. Apart from a few grammar tasks, students will also watch an interesting video and have a lot of opportunities to speak.
Standard Lesson 45 min
Mixed conditionals for Business English
Business GrammarThe lesson plan introduces the rules of mixed conditionals and makes Business English learners practise them through various activities.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Life used to be different
Grammar LifestyleUse our B1 lesson plan to teach your students how to use the structure of ‘used to’ and compare the school life now and then.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
The stories of famous entrepreneurs
Business GrammarThis lesson plan is perfect for Past Simple revision. Students practise using the tense as well as learn vocabulary related to running a business.
Standard Lesson 30 min
Have you done it yet? Present Perfect: already, just, yet
GrammarThis lesson plan deals with Present Perfect and already, just, yet. We want to show students how to use these words in specific situations. Apart from practical tasks, students will also role-play two scenarios.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Narrative tenses – using Past Simple/Continuous/Perfect for storytelling
GrammarThis lesson plan focuses on narrative tenses: Past Simple, Past Continuous, and Past Perfect. It can serve as a great revision of these three tenses.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Be a better storyteller
GrammarThis lesson plan is all about telling stories in English and it might be a great supplement to lesson plans on narrative tenses.
Flipped Lesson 45 min
How to master working from home
Business GrammarThanks to this ESL lesson plan your students will learn some useful vocabulary, study verb patterns and watch a video about tips for working from home.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Is Kopi Luwak on your bucket list? (wish structures)
Grammar LifestyleIn this lesson plan students will learn and practise ‘wish’ structures as well as watch a video about the most expensive coffee in the world, Kopi Luwak.
Flipped Lesson 45 min
Printed books vs e-books – making comparisons
General GrammarTeach your students how to make comparisons and talk about the advantages and disadvantages of printed books and e-books. This lesson plan can also be used as a standard lesson plan.
Standard Lesson 45 min
Giving advice and making suggestions
General GrammarThis worksheet focuses on giving advice and making suggestions. It is a standalone worksheet which can be used with many different lesson plans from our website.
Flipped Lesson 30 min
Political cartoons and freedom of speech
Global Issues GrammarHave some fun and develop your students’ critical thinking skills with our new political cartoon lesson plan based on the work of Patrick Chappatte!
Flipped Lesson 30 min
The story of Frida Kahlo (+ Advanced Tense Review)
General GrammarGet your students interested in the life and work of Frida Kahlo and check their knowledge using our interactive video focused on advanced tense review!
Standard Lesson 30 min
Movie quotes you should know!
Grammar LifestyleWith this worksheet, your students will learn some classic movie quotes, use them to practise reporting verbs and do some fun pairwork activity.
Standard Lesson 75 min
Practise reported speech with Vogue interviews
Grammar LifestyleUse Vogue 73 Qs interviews to teach your students reported speech with our original lesson plan and discover new facts about their favourite celebrities!