Level: B1 / Intermediate
Flipped Lesson 60 min
What happened? (questions without auxiliaries)
GrammarExplore questions without auxiliaries with this lesson! Students discuss scenarios that involve questions, watch film scenes and work on useful phrases to answer questions. They also role-play situations where they ask and answer questions!
Using Present Perfect and Past Simple
Grammar LifestyleStudents learn the differences between Present Perfect and Past Simple while doing various activities and discussing interesting topics.
Practising quantifiers in different contexts
Business GrammarThis lesson set on job satisfaction and professional improvement allows students to practise quantifiers.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Digital parenting
Lifestyle TechnologyEngage in talking about digital parenting with this lesson! Students practise phrases to express opinions, watch a video about digital parenting and discuss how to manage children’s online behaviour.
Fixing mistakes and misunderstandings
Business GeneralStudents explore workplace mistakes and common misunderstandings while learning and practising effective ways to apologize for them.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Do life hacks really work?
GeneralEngage in talking about life hacks! With this lesson, students practise action verbs to describe issues and tips, watch two short videos on life hacks and share their perspectives and experiences. They also work in pairs discussing life hacks!
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Good or bad luck?
GeneralExplore the topic of superstitions with this lesson! Students practise useful vocabulary, talk about their personal views and experiences, and watch a video about common superstitions. They also practise phrases to express certainty or doubt!
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
The joy of walking
LifestyleJoin in discussing the effects of walking with this lesson! Students share opinions, watch a video about the benefits of walking and review useful vocabulary. They also recommend ideas to a friend who wants to be healthier and discuss quotes related to personal journeys.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Your style, your story
General LifestyleTalk about style with this lesson! Students discuss clothing choices, practise vocabulary on clothing and watch an ad for a fashion brand. They also share their personal clothing preferences and work on mind maps.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Does anyone else look like you?
GeneralWith this lesson, students talk about facial features! They practise collocations to describe appearance, watch a video on the concept of doppelgängers and discuss people who look alike.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Should I feel bad about it?
GeneralIn this speaking lesson on guilt, students discuss guilty pleasures and varied opinions on the emotion. They also watch and discuss a video about ‘vacation guilt’. Students have an optional vocabulary activity with expressions related to guilt.
Standard Lesson 90+ min
My bad! (making and accepting apologies)
Business GeneralWith this lesson, students discuss experiences and ways to apologize! They listen to a recording of people talking about work mistakes and practise phrases to apologize, promise solutions and accept apologies.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
The doctor will see you now
GeneralStudents go to the doctor’s with this lesson! They learn functional vocabulary and watch an advice video about how to make the most from your doctor’s visit. They work with vocabulary to answer questions, describe ailments, and do a roleplay.
Critical Reading Club 30 min / 45 min
Real-life superheroes
Global IssuesStudents discuss an article about real-life superheroes with this lesson! They talk about differing opinions on the idea, think about acts of kindness, and learn vocabulary. They consider different real-life superhero activities and look at real examples.
Where are you staying?
GeneralIn the first lesson, students learn vocabulary to talk about holiday accommodation. They also write a hotel review. In the second lesson, they practise functional language for hotel situations using the vocabulary from the first lesson.
Standard Lesson 75 min
I’m calling to change my reservation (functional language)
GeneralStudents talk about hotel situations, practise functional language for hotel interactions and watch a video about welcoming a guest to an Airbnb flat. They also do a role-play using target vocabulary.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Things we use every day
GeneralWith this lesson, students explore and use adjectives in the correct order! They watch a video of everyday objects in super macro, discuss personal objects and talk about objects with different characteristics.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
How smart are animals?
GeneralStudents discuss animal abilities with this lesson! They talk about differing opinions on animal intelligence, learn about animal skills and hear some fascinating animal stories. They watch a video, think about an animal’s point of view, and discuss lots of questions.