We’ve added B2 and C1 Lesson Flows!

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Good news! We’ve received so much positive feedback about our A2 General and A2/B1 Business Lesson Flows, we’ve decided to publish two more! Keep reading to find out all about them. 

Remind me, what are Lesson Flows?

If you’re already familiar with Lesson Flows, feel free to skip this part. If you’re unfamiliar with Lesson Flows, let us tell you a bit about them.

Compiled of pre-existing ESL Brains lessons, Lesson Flows are a large sequence of lessons designed to take your student on a particular learning journey, while saving you hours of prep time. The Flows contain 15 lessons per sequence, with additional ‘follow up’ lessons for extra practice on a particular grammar or vocabulary point. Each lesson ‘flows’ seamlessly into the next (hence the name), allowing students to build on what they’ve learned previously and reinforce their skills as they progress.

Everyone can benefit from our Lesson Flows! Not only can they help teachers get to grips with our lesson database, but they provide a more structured learning plan to follow, particularly for teachers looking to try out a new curriculum format, or teach using ESL Brains lessons exclusively.
So far, we’ve published two Flows: A2 General and A2/B1 Business. We asked teachers for feedback, and so far, they’re a hit! As such, we’re giving you two more…

So, what new Flows have you published? 

We’ve created two new Lesson Flows: B2 General and C1 General

Our B2 General Lesson Flow helps students learn upper intermediate tenses (e.g. Future Continuous, Future Perfect) and useful grammar structures for specific purposes (e.g.’used to’, reported speech, expressing regret). Students learn functional language to help them make small talk, be polite, and express opinions. They also learn upper intermediate-level vocabulary to talk about preferences, eating and cooking, money, travel, and productivity. Students do lots of work to improve speaking skills and can take advantage of our useful follow-up lessons for extra practice. 

Our C1 General Lesson Flow helps students revise advanced grammar structures (e.g. conditional tenses), as well as teaching some new concepts (e.g. understanding ellipsis, expressing probability, using conjunctions). Students learn functional language to help with clarifying and checking understanding, as well as taking part in pronunciation activities. They learn to talk about everyday concepts (e.g. family, personality traits, emotions) in an advanced, nuanced way. Students get a ton of new vocabulary while discussing abstract topics, such as copyright and AI, ethical dilemmas in science, space exploration, challenges and achievements, survival skills, and humour. Like the B2 Flow, students work heavily on conversational skills and have many useful follow-up lessons for extra practice.


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  1. Pontiroli C

    Thank you! This is great help!

    1. Megan

      You’re very welcome!

  2. chaviracorona

    Much appreciated! I’ve been waiting for more lesson flows!

    1. Megan

      Yay! Glad to deliver them 🙂

  3. giselem

    Fantastic! I love how up to date ESL Brains contents are and I’ve been trying to structure them into a curriculum that works for students so I can use them exclusively. In particular, I love functional language lessons: the communicative style of teaching is in high demand nowadays with students wanting to learn to have real conversations like native speakers. Thank you!

    1. Megan

      Thanks for your lovely comment! We love to hear about students using our materials exclusively, and we’re glad to hear the functional language is of use to your students! 🙂


    Thank you this is quite helpful.

    1. Megan


  5. rebecaenglishteacher

    Thanks a bunch! I really appreciate free lesson for those teachers can’t afford a subscription.

    1. Megan

      You’re so welcome!

  6. dienerl

    I’m a big fan here and have been using ESL Brains exclusively for the last year or so, and I have to say, you guys are pretty great! I hope that these flows are updated regularly with new lessons and that you keep on adding features and improving the service overall. Like a broken record, I’d like to suggest a ‘Random Lesson’ button again. Also, it would be nice to have these Flows readily available from the home screen. Thanks!

    1. Megan

      Thanks for your comment and suggestions! We’re always working on new features suggested by customers, so stay tuned! It might just take us a little while 😉

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