Type: Critical Reading Club
Critical Reading Club 30 min / 45 min
Adaptability and other must-have traits
BusinessIn this lesson, students discuss the article they read at home about adaptability as a must-have trait. They work with some vocabulary and discuss other traits necessary for business.
Critical Reading Club 30 min / 45 min
If humans suddenly vanished…
Global IssuesIn this CRC lesson, students read an article about what would happen if humans disappeared, learn new vocabulary, talk about hypothetical situations, and brainstorm more ideas.
Critical Reading Club 30 min / 45 min
How useful is networking?
BusinessIn this CRC lesson, students talk about professional networking, discuss networking tips, as well as learn and practise vocabulary related to the topic.
Critical Reading Club 30 min / 45 min
The intangible benefits of travelling
LifestyleIn this lesson students talk about the article they read at home, learn some vocabulary and talk about different ways of travelling and their benefits.
Critical Reading Club 30 min / 45 min
On the lookout for the ultimate productivity app
BusinessIn this CRC lesson, students read an article about productivity apps, express their opinions on the matter and share their experiences.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Breaking records
GeneralIn this lesson, students discuss an article about an unusual Guinness World Record, talk about breaking records and learn some collocations.
Critical Reading Club 45 min
Dealing with difficult customers
BusinessIn this extended Critical Reading Club lesson plan, students talk about the article they read at home. They also learn some functional language for dealing with customers and do several role-plays.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Hustle culture and quiet quitting
BusinessIn this lesson, students talk about some phenomena and terms used to talk about the job market. They also discuss the article they read at home.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Free time: quality meets quantity
LifestyleIn this CRC lesson students talk about free time, do a quiz, discuss an article and more tips on how to make the best out of their free time.
Critical Reading Club 30 min / 45 min
What’s the point of reading books?
LifestyleIn this lesson, students talk about reading and practise some vocabulary related to books. They read an article about why adults don’t read and discuss their experience.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
The cleanest country in the world
Global IssuesIn this lesson students talk about cleaning and the standards of cleanliness. They also discuss the article they read at home and practise some useful vocabulary.
Critical Reading Club 30 min / 45 min
Video games as an art form
General TechnologyIn this lesson, students discuss the idea that video games should be considered an art form. They also learn and practise some useful vocabulary.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Ready for a pet?
LifestyleIn this lesson students talk about pets and the responsibilities that come with them. Students also learn some vocabulary connected to the topic and discuss more pet-related aspects.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Slacktivism – to engage or not to engage?
General Global IssuesIn this lesson students discuss the term slacktivism and different forms of activism. They also do a word formation exercise and talk about the article they read at home.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Retrofitting – well worth the effort
Global IssuesIn this lesson, students talk about the concept of retrofitting and how it helps to achieve net-zero emissions. They also learn and practise some vocabulary from the article.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Is a stress-free life possible?
General LifestyleIn this Critical Reading Club lesson, students discuss different tips for dealing with stress. They also learn some useful vocabulary to talk about the topic.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Global skills passport
Business TechnologyIn this lesson, students discuss the idea of a global skills passport presented in the article, and practise vocabulary related to the topic.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Small house, small problem
LifestyleIn this Critical Reading Club lesson, students discuss the idea of living in a small house and having fewer possessions. They also learn some useful vocabulary to talk about the topic.