Topic: Phrasal Verbs
Standard Lesson 60 min
Event management
Business GeneralTalk about event management and share experiences with this lesson! Students practise event management phrases, watch a video about making events memorable and discuss how they would plan and manage a successful event.
Standard Lesson 60 min
How to spot a scammer
General TechnologyWith this lesson, students talk about scams and online safety! They practise phrases to discuss scams, share their thoughts and watch a video about a scam tactic. Students also talk about prevention efforts and discuss online security habits.
Critical Reading Club 30 min / 45 min
Real-life superheroes
Global IssuesStudents discuss an article about real-life superheroes with this lesson! They talk about differing opinions on the idea, think about acts of kindness, and learn vocabulary. They consider different real-life superhero activities and look at real examples.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Calm down and carry on! (phrasal verbs)
GeneralWith this worksheet, students review and practise phrasal verbs. They create sentences, play “two truths and a lie” and complete phrasal verbs. They also develop endings to stories, create dialogues and complete statements to talk about their opinions and preferences.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Common verbs exercises
GeneralThe worksheet is a series of stand-alone common verbs exercises that can be used as a revision, warm-up or time filler. There are five exercises that deal with different common verbs, collocations, phrasal verbs, opposite verbs and phrases with ‘get’.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Phrasal verbs activities
GeneralThe worksheet is a series of stand-alone phrasal verb activities that can be used as a revision, warm-up or time filler. There are four types of activities, each with two parts and different phrasal verbs.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Office tour for a newbie
BusinessIn this lesson about office tours, students watch a video about a LinkedIn office, learn some phrases including intermediate phrasal verbs and give two office tours.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Surrounded by trees, with some flowers to smell
Global IssuesIn this lesson about nature students talk about a podcast they listened to at home and practise advanced vocabulary related to the natural world. They also discuss the role of nature in their lives.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Living a digital nomad lifestyle
Business LifestyleIn this lesson students watch a video about being a digital nomad and learn and practise advanced multiword verbs.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Put a ring on it
GeneralIn this worksheet, students learn idioms and phrasal verbs with put. They also practise working out the meaning from context, and have an opportunity to use the new language in speaking activities.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Advanced vocabulary activities
GeneralThis is a set of ESL vocabulary activities rather than a typical ESL Brains lesson plan. Each of the activities can be used separately as a time filler, a warm-up, etc.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Chasing the birds away (phrasal verbs with away)
GeneralIn this lesson students learn and practise phrasal verbs with away, watch a video about a dog working at an airport and discuss the jobs dogs do.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
How tiny tasks become monsters
Business LifestyleIn this lesson students learn and put into practice dependent prepositions (in phrasal verbs and other expressions) while discussing reasons and ways of dealing with the common problem of procrastination.
Standard Lesson 75 min
How to work with people who get under your skin
BusinessThis lesson plan is based on a video about how to deal with difficult relationships at work and includes two business English role plays.
Standard Lesson 45 min
The person who knows how to cheer your day up
LifestyleIn this lesson students get an opportunity to learn phrasal verbs and practise their listening skills (listening for gist and details) by watching a motivational video about how to cope with a bad day.
Standard Lesson 45 min
My perfect weekend. Phrasal verbs for beginners
LifestyleThe lesson plan deals with phrasal verbs for beginners. Students will discover meanings of nine phrasal verbs and practise them in various speaking activities.
Flipped Lesson 45 min
Danger! Pyramid schemes
BusinessThis worksheet for advanced English students deals with pyramid schemes. Throughout the lesson, students will learn a lot of vocabulary and express their opinions on ‘get rich quick’ schemes.
Flipped Lesson 45 min
Decision time (business case study)
BusinessThanks to this business case study worksheet, students learn phrasal verbs to talk about companies, watch a video presenting a case study and discuss situations when companies face different problems.