Topic: Happiness
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Senior roommates
Global Issues LifestyleIn this lesson, students talk about the idea of senior citizens living together, do a word formation activity, and discuss retirement.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Life-changing decisions
LifestyleIn this lesson students learn some expressions with ‘mind’, watch a video and discuss life-changing decisions.
Standard Lesson 60 min
A fully automated world
TechnologyIn this lesson about technology, students watch an animated video about a fully automated world and learn some vocabulary to talk about technological progress.
Standard Lesson 60 min
You’re never too old for great things
Grammar LifestyleIn this lesson, students learn the differences between Present Perfect and Past Simple. They also practise using the two tenses, watch a video and talk about active lives of elderly people.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Is it easy to be kind?
GeneralIn this lesson students talk about how acts of kindness are perceived nowadays, practise some useful phrases used in the article they read at home, and discuss how kind they would be in different situations.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer
LifestyleWith this travel worksheet, pre-intermediate students can talk about how travelling changes them and learn some useful vocabulary. They also read a short text, watch a video about dream travel destinations and write an email.
Standard Lesson 90 min
Families – extended, nuclear, chosen
Global Issues LifestyleIn this advanced speaking lesson students will practise some vocabulary and watch a video about the history of the nuclear family. They will also discuss some statistics and talk about the changing family model.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Are we becoming less materialistic?
Global Issues LifestyleIn this lesson, students talk about materialism and how the pandemic influenced our view of material gains, and do a transformation task.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Let me tell you how I feel
GeneralWith this lesson plan, students watch a funny video about a girl who feels different emotions and learn adjectives to describe feelings. Students also get plenty of opportunities to speak about how they feel in different situations.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Rethinking your mindset
Business LifestyleWith this speaking lesson plan, students watch a video about growth and fixed mindsets and get plenty of opportunities to discuss them. They also learn some collocations referring to challenges and development, as well as practise word formation.
Standard Lesson 60 min
What makes you laugh? (synonyms for laugh)
GeneralIn this lesson students study advanced synonyms for laugh, watch a video about laughter and discuss different aspects of laughter.
Standard Lesson 60 min
It’s kind of my favourite stuff (vague language)
LifestyleIn this lesson, students watch a video and learn how to use some vague language in English while talking about their favourite things in life.
Standard Lesson 60 min
The room where I love to hang out
LifestyleWith this lesson plan students learn adjectives to describe rooms in a house and put them into practice through a variety of written as well as oral activities.
Standard Lesson 45 min
What is your dream home?
LifestyleIn this lesson students talk about their dream homes, revise vocabulary for describing homes and put it into practice through various speaking activities.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Anxiety-free news
Global IssuesIn this lesson about anxiety-free news, students learn and practise positive and negative adjectives and reflect on the impact of news stories on our lives.
Standard Lesson 45 min
Do we need each other? (synonyms of the word important)
Global Issues TechnologyIn this lesson students engage in a discussion about human relationships. They discover synonyms of the word important, watch a video and reflect on the future of face-to-face interaction.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Do you need all this stuff? (verb formation)
Global Issues LifestyleIn this lesson based on a video about minimalism students get an opportunity to practise verb formation (exploring prefixes and suffixes) and reflect on their lifestyles.
Standard Lesson 45 min
The person who knows how to cheer your day up
LifestyleIn this lesson students get an opportunity to learn phrasal verbs and practise their listening skills (listening for gist and details) by watching a motivational video about how to cope with a bad day.