Category: Grammar
SEE ALL LESSON PLANSStandard Lesson 60 min
Renting a flat (articles)
General GrammarIn this grammar lesson students learn how to use articles (‘a/an’, ‘the’, no article). They listen to recordings, discuss renting a flat, and do grammar exercises. Students also have a role play.
Standard Lesson 60 min
You said it was OK (reported speech)
GrammarIn this reported statements lesson plan, intermediate students watch a video, talk about misunderstandings and learn and practise reported speech.
Standard Lesson 60 min
How to be happy
Grammar LifestyleIn this lesson, students watch a video and learn how to use reflexive pronouns. They also talk about happiness.
Flipped Lesson 45 min
Towards a car-free future
Global Issues GrammarThis flipped lesson focuses on a grammar topic of double comparatives and a discussion about car-free cities. Students watch a video and work with grammar on their own. In the lesson, they have more speaking practice and creative work.
Standard Lesson 60 min
They did it for money (passive voice)
General GrammarIn this lesson about passive voice, students practise using passive voice. They also watch a video and discuss different types of crime.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Excuse me, I am an apple (word order)
General GrammarThis worksheet focuses on the grammar topic of word order in English sentences. Students discuss language-learning apps, read about funny examples of sentences from Duolingo and have a lot of practice.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Regrets? I have a few…
General GrammarIn this lesson, students watch a video and learn structures for expressing regrets. They also practise some phrases for responding to regrets.
Standard Lesson 60 min
7,000 ways of seeing the world
Grammar LifestyleIn this lesson about languages, students watch a video, discuss whether languages change the way we see the world, and learn how to use ellipsis.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Female pioneers (inversion in English)
General GrammarIn this lesson, students learn how to use inversion in English. They also talk about gender inequality, watch a video and read short texts about women pioneers.
Standard Lesson 60 min
That’s a good question!
GrammarThis lesson plan focuses on basic English questions. Students watch an interview with two famous actors and discuss different questions. Students also do a role play where they interview each other.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Life lessons and white lies
General GrammarThis grammar lesson helps students learn about and practise Zero Conditional. The worksheet includes a lot of speaking activities. Students also do a vocabulary exercise and learn the phrases related to the topic.
Standard Lesson 90 min
I’ve been doing it for a week and I love it!
Grammar LifestyleThis lesson combines a topic of hobbies and Present Perfect Continuous. Students learn new phrases related to hobbies, watch a video and discuss it. There is also a grammar section that lets students discover rules and put them into practice.
Standard Lesson 60 min
We train just as hard!
Global Issues GrammarIn this lesson about sport, students compare different sports and learn and practise how to use the as… as grammar structure. They also watch a video and discuss statistics on male and female sport.
Standard Lesson 60 min
My dog ate my homework (Past Simple and Past Continuous)
GrammarIn this lesson, students learn the difference between Past Simple and Past Continuous. They also get the chance to practise using the two tenses in a variety of tasks.
Standard Lesson 60 min
What makes a great corporate culture?
Business GrammarIn this lesson, students watch a video and use functional language (cleft sentences) to talk about corporate culture. They also learn some vocabulary related to the topic.
Standard Lesson 60 min
You’re never too old for great things
Grammar LifestyleIn this lesson, students learn the differences between Present Perfect and Past Simple. They also practise using the two tenses, watch a video and talk about active lives of elderly people.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Learning about the past for the present
General GrammarWith this lesson plan, students discuss why we need to learn history and other school subjects. They also watch a video and practise the use of conjunctions.
Standard Lesson 75 min
Sharpen your critical thinking (CAE Speaking Part 3)
General GrammarWith this lesson plan, students evaluate the validity of arguments using the information from a video about logical fallacies. They also practise conjunctions and do a Cambridge CAE Speaking Part 3 activity.