Category: Grammar
Standard Lesson 60 min
That’s how it was (past ability and obligation)
General GrammarTalk about life a century ago! In this engaging lesson, students explore phrases for past ability and obligation, read about old professions and discuss the pros and cons of life in the past.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Nature vs nurture (conditional structures)
General GrammarDiscuss nature vs. nurture with this engaging lesson! Students explore twin research, review advanced conditional structures and debate how genetics shape our lives. They also watch a video on twin research.
Let’s compare!
Grammar Lifestyle TechnologyStudents learn to use comparatives and superlatives and compare technologies.They also use the structures to compare different places.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Present Simple activities
GrammarPractise the Present Simple with this worksheet! Students review the use of the verb ‘to be’, describe pictures and listen to recordings of people talking about themselves. They also work with positive and negative statements and questions.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Were your school days fun?
General GrammarPractise the past forms of to be with this lesson for beginners! Students discuss subjects people learn at school and watch a video where people mention their favourite subjects. They also ask and answer questions about their past.
Standard Lesson 60 min
It’s on the wall behind the sofa
General GrammarStudents talk about furniture and learn prepositions of place for beginners! They learn furniture items and revise rooms, listen to recordings, and describe pictures. They also talk about items in their own homes.
I got, I made, I went…
General GrammarIn the first lesson of the set, students revise past simple irregular verb forms and use them to tell a story from the video. In the second lesson, they do a set of activities focused on practising Past Simple through speaking.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Will we live in a smart city?
Grammar TechnologyDiscuss how technology can solve urban issues! In this lesson, students review future forms, watch a video about smart city services, and imagine they participate in a survey. They also role-play discussions about plans using future forms.
Standard Lesson 60 min
We love travelling!
Grammar LifestyleTalk about holiday likes and dislikes with this lesson! Students work on vocabulary about holiday activities, practise like/love/hate + ing and explore spelling rules to create gerunds. They also watch a video about a family who travels in a campervan!
Standard Lesson 60 min
What if it had never been invented?
Grammar TechnologyTalk about inventions and their influence on people’s lives! With this lesson, students practise conditional structures, watch two videos on relevant inventions and speculate about alternative outcomes to different creations.
Standard Lesson 60 min
All about acting
General GrammarExplore different perspectives on acting with this lesson! Students practise phrases related to acting, watch videos with famous actors and share their opinions. They also plan and present their vision for a film and practise cleft sentences for emphasis.
My house, my home
General Grammar LifestyleStudents learn how to talk about homes and describe the rooms. They also practice grammar while discussing topics related to renting flats.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
What happened? (questions without auxiliaries)
GrammarExplore questions without auxiliaries with this lesson! Students discuss scenarios that involve questions, watch film scenes and work on useful phrases to answer questions. They also role-play situations where they ask and answer questions!
Standard Lesson 60 min
It’s his friends’ house (possessives)
General GrammarPractise possessive nouns and adjectives with this lesson! Students discuss people’s favourite things and personal information. They also listen to a dialogue about photos on social media.
Using Present Perfect and Past Simple
Grammar LifestyleStudents learn the differences between Present Perfect and Past Simple while doing various activities and discussing interesting topics.
Practising quantifiers in different contexts
Business GrammarThis lesson set on job satisfaction and professional improvement allows students to practise quantifiers.
I am, you are… (verb ‘to be’)
General GrammarStudents learn to use of the verb ‘to be’ in Present Simple. They also talk about people in their life, describe possessions and discuss countries, nationalities and languages.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Are you American? (‘to be’ questions)
General GrammarStudents explore nationalities and countries in this lesson! They watch two great videos on the topic and learn to form questions with the verb ‘be’ to talk about where people are from. They do lots of different exercises, like matching, word order, dialogues, and more.