Level: C2 / Proficiency
Critical Reading Club 30 min / 45 min
Is PR a dying industry?
BusinessWith this lesson, students talk about changes in the public relations industry over recent years. They discuss an article, analyse comments, and practise agreeing and disagreeing. They look at statistics, correct mistakes, and discuss questions.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Geopolitical landscape
Global IssuesWith this lesson, students discuss global power dynamics! They practise vocabulary for discussing geopolitical issues, watch a video about rare earth elements and talk about countries’ geopolitical standing and global challenges.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Challenging historical narratives
GeneralIn this speaking lesson on Thanksgiving, students think about the history of the celebration and its modern-day customs. They watch a video featuring Native Americans’ feelings about the holiday and have a broader discussion about challenging dominant historical narratives.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Quit your bellyaching!
GeneralWith this lesson, students talk all about complaining! They discuss the benefits, practicalities, and downsides of the behaviour, and learn lots of advanced vocabulary. They also watch a video about ‘chronic complainers’ and discuss the concept in more detail.
Standard Lesson 60 min
The undersigned hereby agrees to…
Business GeneralStudents talk about contracts! They learn vocabulary, share opinions and experiences, and watch a video in which a lawyer turns everyday language into legalese. They also draft sections of a ‘classroom contract’.
Standard Lesson 75 min
Can you weigh in on this?
BusinessStudents learn functional vocabulary for meeting facilitation and share relevant experiences, approaches, and opinions. They discuss the facilitator role and learn facilitation techniques. They also watch a video and do a roleplay.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Uncertain times in business
Business GeneralIn this lesson, students talk about attitudes towards difficult situations. They revise useful vocabulary and watch a video about VUCA, a framework to interpret challenging circumstances. Students also talk about how some difficult situations were handled in real life.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Beauty in the broken (life philosophies)
GeneralExplore philosophy with this lesson! Students discuss the idea of imperfection, watch a video about Kintsugi and practise advanced vocabulary. They also talk about their experiences and other philosophies around the world.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
ESG: From compliance to commitment
Business Global IssuesWith this lesson, students explore ESG regulation and its implementation! They talk about the necessity and purpose of ESG practices, watch a video about anti-ESG sentiment and discuss some controversial opinions.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Therapy speak
GeneralEngage students in reading an article about therapy speak! In this lesson, they talk about therapy, discuss the pros and cons of therapy speak and discuss changing perspectives on mental health.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Is free speech hate speech?
Global IssuesDive into a discussion about free speech with this lesson! Students talk about the impact of controversial statements, watch and discuss a video about different perspectives on freedom of speech and talk about the ethics of censorship.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Shakespeare: the be-all and end-all?
GeneralExplore the world of Shakespeare with this lesson! Students discuss Shakespeare’s phrases, his best-known work, as well as themes and famous quotes. They watch a video and discuss Shakespeare’s relevance and influence in modern-day society.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
The fastest shoe in the world
Lifestyle TechnologyWith this speaking lesson, students talk about technology in sports, sports ethics and fairness and watch a video on a controversy involving Nike’s footwear in professional running. They also discuss regulatory measures in athletics and the future of technology in sports.
Standard Lesson 60 min
How brands influence our thinking
Business LifestyleEngage in a discussion about branding with this lesson! Students talk about consumer behaviour and brand-building strategies, watch a video and discuss the relationship between consumers and brands.
Standard Lesson 60 min
De-Google your life!
TechnologyStep into the world of big tech! Students watch a video about a woman who tries to “de-Google” her life, discuss the challenges of finding alternative tools to Google’s and talk about the future of tech giants. They also practise vocabulary to talk about privacy and tech dependency.
Standard Lesson 60 min
The digital Revolut(ion)
BusinessWith this lesson, students talk about online services and learn vocabulary related to the topic. They also discuss their own experiences, watch a video about a successful neobank, and discuss the features of digital businesses.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Let’s talk money
GeneralWith this speaking lesson, students talk about financial literacy, listen to excerpts from a podcast on the topic and discuss their experiences and perspectives. They also analyse money-related situations and come up with solutions.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
When familial meets professional
Business GeneralIn this lesson, students reflect deeply on work-family dynamics, explore nuances of nepotism, and enrich vocabulary through engaging discussions. Students also listen to excerpts from a podcast to spark critical thinking.