Level: C1 / Advanced
Standard Lesson 60 min
It’s on us to fix it (phrases with on)
GeneralStudents watch entertaining ads, work with funny slogans and talk about marketing campaigns. More importantly, they learn and practise phrases with on without even realising it!
Standard Lesson 60 min
What I’m trying to say is… (clarifying and explaining)
GeneralHelp your students practise clarifying and explaining across various contexts. Elevate their communication skills through different strategies of providing clear explanations.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Social media addiction
Global Issues Lifestyle TechnologyLet your students assess the impact of social media and respond critically to a news report. The lesson fosters meaningful discussion!
Standard Lesson 60 min
How bad is a humblebrag?
LifestyleIn this lesson, students discover what humblebragging is, watch an ad and do a multiple choice vocab task. They also write social media posts and have a discussion about bragging online.
Critical Reading Club 30 min / 45 min
Adaptability and other must-have traits
BusinessIn this lesson, students discuss the article they read at home about adaptability as a must-have trait. They work with some vocabulary and discuss other traits necessary for business.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Survival skills we need to know
General GrammarIn this lesson, students talk about survival skills, learn useful vocabulary, and practise conditional phrases (e.g. supposing, provided that, should you ever, etc.). Students also watch a video and have a discussion.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Happiness is…
LifestyleIn this ESL lesson about happiness, students talk about the feeling, watch a video and discuss happiness myths. The teacher can also choose to do an optional vocabulary activity with students.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Inclusivity in the art world
General Global IssuesThis Speaking Class lesson lets students talk about art, inclusivity, and diversity through a variety of activities. Students watch and discuss a video, read a short text, answer questions, and brainstorm ideas.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Would you ever renovate a house?
LifestyleIn this ESL lesson about houses and renovation, students learn some useful vocabulary related to the topic, watch a video and talk about house renovations.
Standard Lesson 60 min
That’s a bit over the top!
Business GeneralThis lesson focuses on business competition vocabulary through learning about unusual business ideas. Students learn useful phrases, watch a video, and discuss business cases.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Mergers and acquisitions
BusinessIn this lesson, students learn and practise some advanced Business English vocabulary. They also watch a video and talk about mergers and acquisitions.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Do you trust your memory?
GeneralThis ESL lesson gives students the opportunity to learn phrases to talk about memory, watch a video, and have a fascinating discussion.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Healthcare innovation
General TechnologyIn this ESL lesson about healthcare, students practise speaking, watch a video and do an optional word formation activity.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Can you elaborate on your thinking here? (polite language)
BusinessIn this ESL lesson on polite language students watch a video, have a discussion, learn and practise useful phrases.
Critical Reading Club 30 min / 45 min
The intangible benefits of travelling
LifestyleIn this lesson students talk about the article they read at home, learn some vocabulary and talk about different ways of travelling and their benefits.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Ageing: embracing the inevitable
Global IssuesIn this ESL lesson on ageing students talk about different aspects of the life of senior citizens. Students discuss mental and physical health, learn about dementia villages by watching a video, and brainstorm ideas.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Corporate speak
BusinessThis ESL lesson on corporate jargon includes a video, a lot of discussion and practice of some popular phrases.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
How to succeed as a freelancer
BusinessIn this lesson students discuss working as a freelancer. They watch a video, do four role-plays and talk about different freelancing ideas.