The main objectives of this lesson are to:
- engage in talking about accommodation from different perspectives;
- practise adjectives for describing accommodation;
- watch a video about a feature of an accommodation booking platform.
With this lesson, students discuss travel and accommodation, watch a video about a new Airbnb feature and share their experiences. They read reviews of Airbnb rentals, explore adjectives to describe accommodation (e.g. remote, convenient, welcoming, rude) and talk about problems with accommodation bookings. Students also write a short review using the target adjectives from the lesson.
B2 / Upper Intermediate60 minStandard LessonPremium Plan
This lesson starts with a warm-up where students engage in talking about accommodation. Following that, they watch a video about a new Airbnb feature and summarize the main ideas by completing statements. Then, students discuss questions about Airbnb and hosting experiences. Afterwards, they read the reviews of two Airbnb rentals and say if they would stay in either of these places. Students then look at the reviews again. They find adjectives that can be paired up with their opposite (e.g. pricey – affordable, remote – convenient, welcoming – rude). After that, students read short reviews and look at pronouns (e.g. Every time I made a request or needed help, I felt like I was bothering them.). They guess what the guests are referring to in each case. Students use adjectives from the previous task and nouns to say what the things are.
In this part of the lesson, students choose one type of accommodation (e.g. camper van, cruise ship, mountain cabin) that they would stay in on their next holiday, and one they would never stay in. They explain their reasons using adjectives to describe accommodation and their features (e.g. affordable, basic, convenient). After that, students read situations related to problems with accommodation bookings (e.g. The accommodation was not as clean as expected.) and say whether they have experienced any of them. Then, they explain what they did or would do in each situation. Finally, students choose one of the situations from the previous task and write a short review using some adjectives to describe accommodation (e.g. basic, convenient, pricey).
This lesson plan also includes an additional task that you can use as homework or revision. In the task, students complete gaps in sentences about places and objects with adjectives and their own ideas. The task is available in the teacher’s version of the worksheet. You can print it and hand it out to your students. It’s also included in the e-lesson plan.
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