Have you done it yet? Present Perfect: already, just, yet

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Grammar - Present Perfect

already just yet


This lesson plan deals with Present Perfect and already, just, yet. We want to show students how to use these words in specific situations. Apart from practical tasks, students will also role-play two scenarios (one professional and one personal).

B1 / Intermediate30 minStandard LessonPremium Plan


The worksheet starts with a short discussion about throwing a party and things that might go wrong while doing it. Next, students move to a short dialogue and need to check their ideas mentioned in the discussion. The dialogue includes a lot of Present Perfect sentences, specifically used for checking progress. After reading the dialogue, students discover the meanings of already, just and yet, as well as rules about using these time expressions. Then, students move to one practical task in which they need to complete some short dialogues using just, already, or yet, and their own ideas.


Finally, students work in pairs to practise these time expressions used with Present Perfect in a role play. We’ve prepared two different scenarios so that you can choose which is more suitable for your students (one business scenario about project update and one personal scenario about a BBQ party). After the role play, students get a writing task. They have to write an email summarizing the project progress, or the BBQ party preparations.



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Leave a Reply

  1. Christopher

    This is excellent!! Thank you for your dedication and hard work.

    1. Justa

      Thank you!

  2. Josephyn

    Just used it with a one-on-one lesson, and it was great. I’m loving the presentation form!

    1. Stan

      Great to hear that! Due to the pandemic, I’ve completely stopped using pdfs and haven’t printed a thing for the last 4 months or so. I hope our e-lesson format is working as well for others as it works for me and you 🙂

  3. Newdeal

    Great lesson! 🙂

    1. Justa


  4. Andrew

    How would you use the role play online?

    1. Justa

      The role play is included in our e‐lesson plan, so you need to send links to role cards to your students (e.g. on the chat). If you have more than two students in your class, you could use breakout rooms in Zoom to help you manage pairwork in groups.

  5. Kelley

    Got it! Thanks so much!

  6. Natalia

    Brilliant lesson plan! Practicing the Present Perfect turned into a FUN lesson! Magic 🙂

    1. Justa

      Thank you!

  7. Marina Guilmant

    Your lessons are excellent!!! thank you!

  8. joaovictor

    i can´t download/open the link pls enjoy to me pls

    1. Stan

      Well, that’s because this lesson is only available to our paid members. I encourage you to try out one of our subscription plans to unlock and discover the type of lessons we create.

  9. Lina López

    Great lesson!! Thank you!!

  10. Вікторія Рибак

    Very cool! I liked this lesson

    1. Justa

      Happy to hear that!

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