The next big thing after smartphones

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Vocabulary for expressing advantages and disadvantages

vocabulary for expressing advantages and disadvantages

This is a standalone lesson but it can also be used as part of the set titled:


With this lesson plan, students will watch an interesting video about microchipping, learn vocabulary for expressing advantages and disadvantages and discuss the technology that might replace smartphones.

B2 / Upper Intermediate45 minStandard LessonPremium Plan


First, students get a few questions to discuss. They’re about applications, smartphones as well as students’ ideas on technologies that might replace them. Next, students learn five pairs of synonyms. The activity includes words such as embed, obsolete, swift. All these words are there to help students understand the ideas in the video. After that, students have to complete sentences with the correct forms of synonyms. Then, they decide if the statements are true or false and watch the video to check the answers. Finally, students discuss microchipping and the video.


Next, students get a list of words used for expressing advantages and disadvantages. They need to study an put them in the correct columns (advantages and disadvantages). To practise the words and phrases, students complete a few sentences with only one word from the phrases from the previous exercise. They can use each word only once. The lesson plan ends with two speaking activities. First, students work in pairs and think of four possible applications of microchipping in any of some specific areas. After that, they present their applications to the class and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each, using the vocabulary for expressing advantages and disadvantages.



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Leave a Reply

  1. Sina

    This is a great lesson plan. I’ve used it twice already and my students were all very engaged in the discussion.

  2. Marcin Ratajczyk

    Just another step towards dehumanization.

  3. DavidRichmond

    On the one hand, a great lesson topic, on the other hand, spreading elite-owned media just makes us more likely to be primed for this.

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