Mixed conditionals for Business English

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Grammar - mixed conditionals

mixed conditionals


This lesson plan deals with mixed conditionals and is prepared for Business English learners. It introduces the rules concerning this grammar point and makes students practise it through various activities.

B2 / Upper Intermediate45 minStandard LessonFree


The worksheet starts with a short discussion about projects. The idea of the worksheet is to show a real-life situation when mixed conditionals might be naturally used. We chose a final project meeting as a situation which presents the use of such structures.

First, students discuss a few questions and then they read a short dialogue. While reading, they need to underline all conditional sentences. Next, they study a table with the sentences and have to choose the correct words (present or past) in the rules section. Make sure that your students understand how to use mixed conditionals and build sentences with them. To practise, students move to another exercise and complete some sentences with the correct form of the given verbs.


The speaking part consists of two tasks. First, students need to rephrase a few sentences using mixed conditionals. There is an example which should help them understand what they need to do. In the next task, you give your students cards with sentence beginnings. Students have to choose one, finish the sentence so that it is a mixed conditional sentence and continue the story by giving two or three more sentences. Then, they choose another card and repeat the process.



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Leave a Reply

  1. Christiane

    Amazing! Super practical. Very engaging, thanks!

    1. Justa

      Great to hear that! Thanks!

  2. Joan

    Just exactly what I needed! Engaging and informative. Great job!

    1. Justa

      Thank you 🙂

  3. burtonlangille

    I’ve done this lesson with several of my students and I believe they’ve finally understood the perfect tense. Approaching the subject using conditionals is brilliant. everyone has been very engaged.

    1. Justa

      Thanks for your comment 🙂

  4. Courtney's English

    Dear Justa! I am literally jumping with joy after seeing the new feature on the website! The e-lesson plan is beautiful! I am so excited to try it out in my next class! Thank you so much for this amazing tool!

    1. Justa

      Hi Courtney! Thanks for your comment! We’re really glad that you like it! If you want more of these (180+), choose our Premium or Unlimited subscription plans 🙂

  5. Meltem Karabayir

    Thank you very much. It is a very engaging lesson also an authentic one. Thank you for your effort. You are amazing!

    1. Justa

      Thank you so much 🙂

  6. tendre

    Thank you so much for the lesson plan!

  7. gabriela arantes

    Exercise 5 doesn’t have the key (in the teacher’s version).

    1. Stan

      Oh, that’s because it’s a free exercise so the answers will vary and depend on students imagination. We didn’t want to add possible answers here not to limit anyone.

  8. LOOK UP

    Hello Great lesson.

    Just to let you know.
    exercise 5 doesn’t have an answer key.


    1. Justa

      Thanks 🙂 As mentioned in the comment above, we think it’s a free exercise so the answers may vary there.

  9. Sabariah

    Thank you! I have a lot to learn.

  10. mira chepurna

    Thank you very much!

    1. Justa


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