Topic: Games and Role-Plays
Let’s compare!
Grammar Lifestyle TechnologyStudents learn to use comparatives and superlatives and compare technologies.They also use the structures to compare different places.
Standard Lesson 60 min
From pitch to profit
BusinessTalk about sales strategies with this lesson! Students learn and practise vocabulary for discussing sales, watch a video about a sales challenge and talk about a salesperson’s job. They also share their opinions and role-play sales situations.
Standard Lesson 60 min
In a souvenir shop
GeneralWith this lesson, students explore souvenir vocabulary, watch a video about a souvenir shop and listen to an audio where people talk in a gift shop. Students also discuss a price list, role-play a conversation and practise useful phrases for shopping.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Sealing the deal
BusinessTalk about negotiation with this lesson! Students practise negotiation phrases and structures, watch a video on steps to succeed in negotiation and role-play situations involving negotiation.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Less is more: minimalist wardrobe
LifestyleStudents discuss minimalist wardrobes! They watch a video and talk about reasons and rules for maintaining such a wardrobe, as well as talking about their personal style. Students say what they’d wear in different situations and do a role-play about packing for a trip.
Standard Lesson 75 min
Can I get a cup of tea? (at a café)
GeneralExplore café situations! Students practise phrases for ordering and serving food, watch and listen to customer-server interactions, and role-play a conversation at a café. They also ask and answer questions about the menu.
My house, my home
General Grammar LifestyleStudents learn how to talk about homes and describe the rooms. They also practice grammar while discussing topics related to renting flats.
Critical Reading Club 30 min / 45 min
Let’s pick you a career!
Business GeneralDiscuss career paths with this lesson! Students read an article about choosing a career path, practise phrases to discuss the topic and role-play offering and responding to career suggestions. They also talk about personal interests, skills, and job preferences.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
What happened? (questions without auxiliaries)
GrammarExplore questions without auxiliaries with this lesson! Students discuss scenarios that involve questions, watch film scenes and work on useful phrases to answer questions. They also role-play situations where they ask and answer questions!
Fixing mistakes and misunderstandings
Business GeneralStudents explore workplace mistakes and common misunderstandings while learning and practising effective ways to apologize for them.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Excuse me, where is the food court? (giving directions)
GeneralWith this lesson, students practise giving and asking for directions! Students talk about shopping centres, watch a video about a large shopping centre in Canada and learn the names of places and things they might find at the mall.
Standard Lesson 90+ min
My bad! (making and accepting apologies)
Business GeneralWith this lesson, students discuss experiences and ways to apologize! They listen to a recording of people talking about work mistakes and practise phrases to apologize, promise solutions and accept apologies.
Critical Reading Club 30 min / 45 min
Cleaning up the space mess
Global Issues TechnologyTalk about space junk with this lesson! Students read and discuss an article about space debris, learn useful phrases and practise argumentative skills by doing a role-play activity. Students also discuss facts and opinions on space debris.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
The doctor will see you now
GeneralStudents go to the doctor’s with this lesson! They learn functional vocabulary and watch an advice video about how to make the most from your doctor’s visit. They work with vocabulary to answer questions, describe ailments, and do a roleplay.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Dress or jeans: clothes we wear
General LifestyleStudents talk about clothing in this lesson! They learn clothing vocabulary and look at pictures of different clothing items. They talk about dressing appropriately for events and climates and practise listening skills with videos and recordings.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Hobbies: more than just free time
LifestyleEngage in talking about hobbies from different perspectives! With this lesson, students share their thoughts and experiences related to pastimes, explore useful phrases and watch two short videos on hobbies. They also play a guessing game!
Standard Lesson 60 min
Do you believe in ghosts?
GeneralEngage in talking about supernatural phenomena! With this lesson, students practise vocabulary related to mysterious and supernatural events, watch a video on why people claim to see ghosts and discuss their beliefs. They also play a quest game!
Standard Lesson 75 min
I’m calling to change my reservation (functional language)
GeneralStudents talk about hotel situations, practise functional language for hotel interactions and watch a video about welcoming a guest to an Airbnb flat. They also do a role-play using target vocabulary.