B2 / Upper Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Understanding professional motivations


In this lesson students talk about different types of workers described in the article, discuss some questions about motivations, and learn vocabulary to explain what motivates them at work.

upper-intermediate lesson plan
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 75 min

There are only two things certain in life…

Business General

With this upper-intermediate lesson plan students discuss the welfare state, watch a video about taxes in Sweden, and learn some useful vocabulary. 

hard and soft skills
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Skills for the job


In this lesson, students watch a video about different types of skills, learn useful vocabulary, and practise talking about hard and soft skills. 

phrases for giving opinions
B2 / Upper Intermediate | C1 / Advanced
Standard Lesson 75 min

Elegance versus bling (case study)


In this lesson, students watch a video about a company facing problems, learn advanced phrases for giving opinions, and discuss case studies.

C1 / Advanced
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Legalese – explicit or ambiguous?


In this lesson students discuss different types of jargon, learn some vocabulary to describe that something is easy or difficult to understand, and share their thoughts about the article they read at home. 

verbs with prepositions
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Just ask it a question!

Business Technology

In this lesson, students learn and practise to use verbs with prepositions, as well as verbs without prepositions. They also read texts about virtual assistants and discuss the topic in depth using the new language.

B2 / Upper Intermediate | C1 / Advanced
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Location-based pay – a thing of the past?


In this lesson students learn some useful vocabulary to talk about salaries, discuss if location-based pay should become a thing of the past, and share their views on pay transparency and salary bands. 

worksheet for healthcare professionals
B1 / Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

What is it like to be a healthcare professional?


In this worksheet for healthcare professionals students learn words and collocations to talk about healthcare professions and health problems, watch a video in which a nurse talks about her job, and practise pronunciation.

C1 / Advanced
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Menstrual leave sparks debate

Business Global Issues

In this lesson, students learn advanced words and phrases to express opinions, talk about the idea of menstrual leave and hold a debate.

supply chain management
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Flipped Lesson 60 min

Are we running out of things?


In this lesson about supply chain management, students learn vocabulary related to supply and demand, watch a video about just-in-case and just-in-time systems, and discuss the two systems in depth. 

English lesson plan for HR
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Can stay interviews keep employees from leaving?


In this lesson, students discuss the idea of stay interviews in depth and learn phrases which are useful to talk about employer-employee relationship. 

warehouse stores vocabulary
B2 / Upper Intermediate | C1 / Advanced
Standard Lesson 60 min

Unconventional business model


In this lesson, students learn about furniture retailer IKEA and discuss its business model. Then, they come up with their own business idea for a shop.

worksheet on employee benefits
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate | B1 / Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

What motivates you at work?


In this worksheet on employee benefits, students learn vocabulary and watch a video about companies offering cool perks. They also have plenty of opportunities to discuss benefits and other things which motivate them at work.

phrases for giving and receiving feedback
C1 / Advanced | C2 / Proficiency
Standard Lesson 75 min

The art of giving feedback


In this lesson, students discover a formula to help them give great feedback and learn some useful phrases for giving and receiving feedback in English. They also watch a video about giving feedback and learn vocabulary related to it. 

giving a presentation
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Presentation: putting skills into action


With this lesson plan, students practise giving a presentation in English by doing a lot of different speaking activities. The lesson is the third of the three-part series of lessons about delivering presentations. 

speaking lesson plan
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Rethinking your mindset

Business Lifestyle

With this speaking lesson plan, students watch a video about growth and fixed mindsets and get plenty of opportunities to discuss them. They also learn some collocations referring to challenges and development, as well as practise word formation.

phrases for presentations
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 75 min

Moving through your presentation


With this lesson plan, students learn plenty of useful phrases for presentations in English. They also prepare presentation excerpts, and learn how to start a presentation. The lesson is the second of the three-part series of lessons about delivering presentations. 

C1 / Advanced
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Could a bossless workplace work?


With this lesson plan, students discuss how they feel about a bossless workplace. They also learn some useful vocabulary related to worker cooperatives and the hierarchical structure of a traditional workplace.

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