Introducing ESL Brains A2 lesson plans! - ESL Brains

Introducing ESL Brains A2 lesson plans!

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A2 lesson plans

We often say that ‘your voice matters‘ and ‘feedback from teachers is super valuable to us‘ and these are not just words or clichés that we want to repeat. We treat feedback seriously as it helps us develop ESL Brains in the right direction and prioritize changes.

The top requested change content-wise by far was low-level (A2) lesson plans. And at the beginning of this year, we decided it’s high time we tried to tackle that.

Today, we’re happy to finally and officially announce that A2 lesson plans are here on ESL Brains.

What, where, when?

Our A2 lesson plans will be structured following the same mindset as any other lesson on ESL Brains. You will see lessons that let your students learn and practise new vocabulary, acquire or revise grammar structures and practise their listening and speaking skills through authentic video content. However, a bit of a novelty is that you will also get more video-less content. That’s because we feel that you don’t always need to do listening tasks during your classes and they might just get into the way of meeting a lesson objective.

Today, we’re kicking off with three A2 lesson plans available exclusively in the Unlimited subscription both in printable PDF format as well as our e-lesson plans (Google Slides) for teaching online:

  1. What’s in your bag? (listening comprehension + easily confused verbs)
  2. What do you do? (Business English lesson focused on talking about companies and job responsibilities)
  3. My perfect weekend. Phrasal verbs for beginners

Expect to see a steady stream of new A2 lessons plans coming to our platform. We’ll start slowly, but plan to build a solid section of lessons for A2 learners in the upcoming months. This will not greatly affect our standard publishing calendar so we will still publish new content for intermediate and advanced learners.

We hope you and your students will enjoy using ESL Brains lesson plans and as always feedback is more than welcome. Try them out and send your opinion to us ([email protected]).


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  1. [email protected]

    I think it is an amazing idea.
    I will be able to try them in the next days and will give you a feedback..
    Thank you

  2. [email protected]

    Brilliant, I love your lesson plans and have been looking forward to seeing some lower-level stuff included. I’m so happy to see these!!

  3. Julie Bystrytska

    So so happy about this! Looking forward to the first lesson plan!

  4. englishfromireland


    Will there be A2 lesson plans for the other subscription levels?
    Tony at English from Ireland

    1. Stan

      Yes, in the upcoming months some of the A2 lessons will be also available for Premium and Basic accounts.

      1. englishfromireland

        Brilliant – thanks a lot!!

  5. gfrimm


  6. Maria Ines

    Great! Thanks!!!!!

  7. Rafał Grabowski

    Great job, guys! Great idea with lower levels. Carry on! 😉

  8. akubon

    Oh I’m using them today, big thanks for creating them:)

  9. Rimante Boguzaite

    Amazing, love it!

  10. [email protected]

    Thanks a lot!

  11. teacherbruna

    This is amazing. I love using your lessons, but it was very limited as 70% of my students are level A2

    thanks a lot

  12. Tatyana Grigoryeva

    You guys are the BEST!

  13. Stan

    Thank you all for such a positive response! Your enthusiasm is super motivating to us and makes us want to keep going and coming up with new ideas.

  14. Agnaldo Brites

    Hi there!
    These A2 worksheets are really helpful!

    I know it’s a little bit more difficult to find videos related to lower-level lessons, but the students like to see how native English speakers use the stuff taught in the lessons. Mainly short-time videos, like this one.
    I’d reccomend “youglish”, which I have used often.

    Thanks a lot and congrats on your great job!

  15. [email protected]

    Awesome news! Thanks a lot for all you are doing! The video is never out of place, however – always appreciated, on the contrary! 🙂

  16. Audrey S

    I’m so excited! These are really useful for both adults and teens.

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