Level: B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min
Spreading Christmas cheer
LifestyleWith this Christmas worksheet, students talk about holiday traditions, watch a video about a school for Santas and learn vocabulary related to the festive season.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Does protest always lead to change?
Global IssuesThis lesson includes a lot of speaking practice. Students watch a video about what makes a protest successful and analyse some strategies.
Standard Lesson 90 min
I’ve been doing it for a week and I love it!
Grammar LifestyleThis lesson combines a topic of hobbies and Present Perfect Continuous. Students learn new phrases related to hobbies, watch a video and discuss it. There is also a grammar section that lets students discover rules and put them into practice.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Fashion, fashion everywhere
LifestyleIn this worksheet students go through a variety of discussion questions about fashion. They also choose between opposing statements, explain their choices and come up with their own definition of ‘fashion’. There is also a set of quotations related to different aspects of fashion.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Choosing between red and blue
BusinessIn this lesson, students learn and practise Business English phrases and discuss successful companies. They also watch the video about business strategies and choose one for their start-up.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Dissecting TV shows
General LifestyleIn this speaking lesson about TV shows, students do a variety of speaking activities and watch two trailers.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Career choice
BusinessIn this worksheet for conversation classes, students talk at length about careers and professions and watch two short videos about unusual jobs. They also state their opinions on several topics related to the world of work.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Small house, small problem
LifestyleIn this Critical Reading Club lesson, students discuss the idea of living in a small house and having fewer possessions. They also learn some useful vocabulary to talk about the topic.
Standard Lesson 75 min
Have you met the new Dalí?
TechnologyIn this lesson students watch two videos about AI image generators, learn some advanced vocabulary for describing images, and do some speaking practice.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
How to raise confident and empathetic children
LifestyleIn this lesson students discuss the ideas about parenting and misbehaviour from the article they read at home and do a vocabulary activity.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Senior roommates
Global Issues LifestyleIn this lesson, students talk about the idea of senior citizens living together, do a word formation activity, and discuss retirement.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
How (not) to apologize in the workplace
Business GeneralIn this lesson, students discuss the article and different ways of apologizing. They also practise the use of prepositions.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Life-changing decisions
LifestyleIn this lesson students learn some expressions with ‘mind’, watch a video and discuss life-changing decisions.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Can robots be chefs?
TechnologyIn this lesson, students discuss the article they read at home, talk about the pizza vending machine and the future of cooking.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Living a digital nomad lifestyle
Business LifestyleIn this lesson students watch a video about being a digital nomad and learn and practise advanced multiword verbs.
Standard Lesson 90 min
Catching up made easy
BusinessIn this lesson about instant messaging, students watch a video, discuss the rules for instant messaging and write short messages to each other.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Stay interested, stay motivated – first lesson with new students
GeneralThis ESL worksheet can be used in the first lesson with new students. In the lesson, students discuss their interests, watch a video about motivation, and do vocabulary and grammar tasks.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Non-native speakers or lifelong learners?
GeneralIn this lesson students discuss the accuracy of different terms referring to non-native English speakers, do a word-formation activity and talk about the article they read at home.