Level: B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 45 min
A super-duper language phenomenon (reduplication in English)
GeneralIn this lesson about reduplication in English students discover the meaning of common reduplicatives and practise them in everyday conversations.
Standard Lesson 45 min
Do we need each other? (synonyms of the word important)
Global Issues TechnologyIn this lesson students engage in a discussion about human relationships. They discover synonyms of the word important, watch a video and reflect on the future of face-to-face interaction.
Standard Lesson 45 min
Whodunit (practise past modals with riddles)
General GrammarIn this lesson based on whodunits, students get an opportunity to practise past modals with riddles and speculate about murder mysteries.
Standard Lesson 60 min
How beauty filters are changing the way we want to look
Grammar Lifestyle TechnologyIn this lesson inspired by a video about body dysmorphia students revise and practise the different uses of Present Continuous as well as reflect on the influence of beauty filters on teenagers’ lives.
Standard Lesson 60 min
The humble hoodie
LifestyleIn this lesson about the history of the hoodie, your students will discover the origins of this iconic garment (and some others) and learn several adjectives for talking about clothes.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Do you need all this stuff? (verb formation)
Global Issues LifestyleIn this lesson based on a video about minimalism students get an opportunity to practise verb formation (exploring prefixes and suffixes) and reflect on their lifestyles.
Standard Lesson 45 min
He couldn’t have seen a ghost!
GrammarIn this grammar lesson, students learn a few idioms for expressing emotions, discover how to use past modals as well as practise them in speaking activities.
Standard Lesson 75 min
How do you like your milk?
LifestyleIn this lesson, students will learn advanced cooking verbs, discuss different types of milk and do an English class project.
Standard Lesson 45 min
The next big thing after smartphones
TechnologyWith this lesson plan, students will watch an interesting video about microchipping, learn vocabulary for expressing advantages and disadvantages and discuss the technology that might replace smartphones.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Immediate response (not) required
BusinessThis lesson plan deals with synchronous and asynchronous communication. Apart from doing listening comprehension tasks, students will build adjectives with negative prefixes and learn some communication idioms.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Plogging ‐ make yourself and the planet better
Global Issues LifestyleThis lesson plan on saving the planet deals with plogging, i.e. the idea of picking up litter while jogging. The worksheet consists of a few vocab exercises and includes a lot of words used when talking about waste and littering.
Flipped Lesson 45 min
Decision time (business case study)
BusinessThanks to this business case study worksheet, students learn phrasal verbs to talk about companies, watch a video presenting a case study and discuss situations when companies face different problems.
Standard Lesson 45 min
Will they find out I’m a fraud? Imposter syndrome
LifestyleLearn about the imposter syndrome, discover what Michelle Obama has to do with it and discuss how to cope with it.
Standard Lesson 45 min
A glossary of coronaspeak
GeneralThis lesson plan is built around new words coined during the coronavirus pandemic. Students will guess their meanings and have a chance to use them in speaking.
Standard Lesson 45 min
Can you imagine the world without music?
LifestyleThanks to this lesson plan on music, students learn adjectives for describing music and watch a video in which musicians talk about emotions music evokes.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Have an eye on the future
Grammar TechnologyThe objective of this lesson plan is to make students learn and use Future Continuous and Future Perfect. Apart from a few grammar tasks, students will also watch an interesting video and have a lot of opportunities to speak.
Standard Lesson 90 min
Question Time – Let’s have a panel show!
GeneralIn this lesson, students read two short texts about a TV series, The Crown and a panel show, Question Time, learn useful language for agreeing and disagreeing, and have a panel show.
Flipped Lesson 45 min
Ditch the lawn!
LifestyleIn this flipped lesson plan on gardening, students learn a few verbs, watch a video about turning lawns into gardens as well as discover the meanings of some expressions with the word ‘green’.