Big Brother is watching you

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Vocabulary - surveillance


surveillance lesson plan

This is a standalone lesson but it can also be used as part of the set titled:


This surveillance lesson plan looks into the topic of employee monitoring software and questions the use of this technology raises. Students will do some word formation tasks, learn new vocabulary and have plenty of opportunities to discuss.

C1 / Advanced
C2 / Proficiency
60 minFlipped LessonUnlimited Plan

This is a Flipped Classroom lesson plan. In a nutshell, it means that the first part of the lesson needs to be done by students at home. Learn more about flipped classroom and how we implement it in these lesson plans in our post.


The pre-class worksheet starts with a short text about the term surveillance. However, if you do this flipped lesson plan as a standard lesson plan, the e-lesson plan starts with a quote by Mark Zuckerberg: “Privacy is a social norm of the past”.

First, students have to read the text and think which parts of speech are missing in each gap. Next, they read it again and complete it with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Moreover, there is also other task on synonyms. In the same text, students need to find synonyms of the words given. In this whole pre-class section, students will learn the following words and phrases: illicit, illegal, to track, to monitor security, safety, protection, to reveal, to disclose, permission, agreement, consent, to keep an eye on, to spy. To practise the vocabulary, students choose 3 new words from this part of the worksheet and write sentences with them.


The in-class worksheet starts with speaking. Students have to comment and rank the different types of surveillance. They have to say whether these surveillance kinds are acceptable or too intrusive. Next, they move to one vocabulary task. They have to match words from the box to their meanings. Before watching a video, students discuss three lead-in questions. Then, they watch the video and try to explain the idea behind employee monitoring software. After that, they watch the video again and answer some comprehension questions. This surveillance lesson plan finishes with a short discussion as well as a debate about using employee monitoring software. Students prepare arguments against and in favour of the statement given and think about it both from the employer’s and the employee’s perspective.



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Leave a Reply

  1. Naomi

    It didn’t take 75 minutes, we completed it in half this time

    1. Stan

      Have you used it as a flipped lesson plan? That is have you only done the in-class part in 30-40 mins or the whole thing?

    2. Lydia goold verschoyle

      That usually depends on a pertinent factor… the responsiveness and level of engagement of your students. I find that enthusiastic students usually add to a lesson by engaging constructively, for example bringing up related topics for discussion, discussion around the topic of ‘Big Brother’ Do they know Big Brother through the TV series, the book etc. Discussion around the language… etc

  2. Polly

    I cant view the video through this link – apparently its unavailable in Canada! Is there another link please?

    1. Justa

      How about this one?

  3. Christiane

    Hey guys! Great topic and great lesson plan. I’m trying it out today. Linked to this same topic … How about a lesson plan on Recruitment processes employees/candidates privacy. Are companies / recruiter allowed to check out your Facebook, Instagram profiles? Should you be judged by that and maybe not hired? Most of my students love talking about this and it’s quite controversial, it could open debates in class. Just an idea 🙂

    1. Stan

      Thanks! It’s a great idea that we’ll definitely use 🙂 We created a lesson plan about recruitment some time ago but it’s more about how relevant resumes are in the process (

    2. Justa

      Hi Christiane! See our new lesson plan
      It’s not exactly about privacy, but it might be of your interest!

  4. Ben

    Really good lesson. As opposed to what was said above, it took over two hours to go through as it promoted some interesting debate with my students. As always, keep up the good work 🙂

    1. Justa

      Thanks, Ben! Nice to hear that your students were so actively engaged in the topic 🙂

  5. dafne

    Great material! Would love to see more C2 lesson plans 🙂

    1. Justa

      Thanks! We’re working on them now, so expect to see more soon 🙂

  6. AlexandraYu

    I’d like to thank you, guys for the work you do! It`s amazing, it inspires and helps in my classes a lot! Can’t put in words how grateful I am!

    1. Justa

      Thank you so much for your kind words! We really appreciate that😊

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