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  1. randomuser

    Making a list of “positive and negative words you know” shouldn’t be in a C1 lesson.

    1. Stan

      Well, taken out of the context that looks kind of silly but actually the instructions say: Mauro Gatti uses the words ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ to describe the news in the video. He also uses words such as ‘cheerful’ and ‘frightening.’ Make a list of other positive and negative words you know. As you can see in the TV, we’re looking for such words as bleak, gloomy, uplifting, upbeat, etc. IMHO, it’s a nice vocab extenstion for advanced students so that they can say something more than positive/good or negative/bad news.

  2. Svetlana Urisman

    a great lesson, thank you so much! The topic certainly generated a lot of discussion, and all those neologisms were really taken well!)

    1. Leanne

      Thank you! Great to hear that you had a good lesson 🙂

  3. anned

    Nice topic and nice lesson plan with great vocabulary. Thank you! 🙂

    1. Justa


  4. Simon

    Excellent stuff, Leanne. Perfect for an early morning online group lesson.

  5. EveSmith

    Nice lesson! Can I suggest including some discussion question using the new vocab at the beginning or getting students to make up their own? I edited the lesson myself to do this.

    1. Justa

      Thanks for the suggestion! Students at this level should be quite familiar with this vocab, so there is no additional practice at this point. Some of the words are used in the questions later in the lesson. However, if you feel that your students need some tasks to activate the vocab more at the beginning of the lesson, here are a few ideas that might be useful: ask students (1) to create sentences with the words which are new to them, (2) to write questions that they can ask their partners, (3) to come up with some news headlines using the vocab (to stick to the same context), or (4) to discuss the sentences (b-g) from ex. 2. I hope that helps 🙂

      1. EveSmith

        Yes, getting them to write questions themselves is usually what I do indeed. Thanks for getting back to me!

        1. Justa


  6. Teresa Ferrer Roy

    Good morning. I have the premium plan and still the website does not allow me to download this lesson. It tells me to sign up to unlock the premium plan. I am signed in and on my account details it says that I have the premium plan, why can I not download this lesson then? Last week it happened with a few other lessons too so I wonder if there is something wrong with my subscription.
    Thank you for your help, I really like your material and would like to keep using it for my classes.

    1. Justa

      Hi! We’ve just checked that and it seems that your subscription is on hold. Please, contact as via chat or email at [email protected] and we will help you 🙂

      1. Teresa Ferrer Roy

        Hi! Thank you for replying. I didn’t think of checking if the last payment had gone through until you said that my account was on hold, sorry! I thought that the next payment would go through automatically but I had to verify the card again. Now it all works well, thank you so much for the quick reply!!

        1. Justa

          Good to hear that and I’m happy you can enjoy using our materials again 🙂

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