In this ESL lesson plan, students dive into advanced expressions about job seeking by watching a video, discussing recruitment processes and recruitment apps, and practicing relevant phrases.
Starting with a warm-up activity, students evaluate the relevance of various job search methods in today’s world (e.g., LinkedIn, online job sites, classified ads). They then explore statements with advanced expressions about job seeking (e.g. sift through applications, get your foot in the door, a good fit for a job), completing them with their own thoughts. Students read two opinions on AI’s role in recruitment and decide who might have expressed them, as well as which opinion resonates with their own views. Before watching the video, students try to guess why the featured app is called The Tinder for jobs. Then, they watch the first part of the video and answer some questions. Before watching the second part, they try to complete some notes about the app. They watch the video and check their ideas.
This part of the lesson starts with a discussion about the recruitment app from the video. Students share their views on the concept, consider how to measure the success of a recruitment app, speculate on the future of recruitment processes. Teachers can also use the provided link to show students the app’s website. This can be followed by a discussion about some additional ideas listed in the teacher’s version of the worksheet and in the e-lesson plan. Then, students look at descriptions of other recruitment apps and paraphrase them using words in brackets. Students practised the phrases in the first part of the lesson. There are some extra discussion questions related to the descriptions in the teacher’s version of the worksheet and in the e-lesson plan. Finally, students study a spidergram and consider some questions about other HR apps (e.g. to monitor employee performance, facilitate professional development).
The lesson plan includes a supplementary vocabulary task to reinforce the advanced expressions about job seeking from the lesson. This task is available in the teacher’s version of the worksheet and can be printed for students or accessed in the e-lesson plan for online teaching. An optional homework assignment is also provided.
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good material.
Thank you so much, Armando!
Great lesson. Thanks a lot. I’d really appreciate it if there was something similar for lower level students (B1-B2).
We’re happy you liked the lesson! Thank you for the suggestion 🙂
Really nice lesson to talk about the recruitment process, refreshing and up to date
Thank you so much for your feedback! 🙂