The lesson is divided into three parts: vocabulary, listening comprehension and debate. It focuses on the flaws of the public education system and what it really teaches children. Students will have to consider such questions as what’s wrong with the schooling system, how could it be improved? This lesson focuses on these questions and involves learning collocations, watching a video and ends with a group debate.
In the Vocabulary part of the lesson, students will not only just learn new words but also their collocations. Learning collocations is important as students get to know how to use new words in context and apply them effectively in practice. In the first task, students need to complete four mind maps which include collocations with learning, aptitude, skills and competence. What follows is an exercise with a few questions for students to discuss, where students will have an opportunity to use newly learned phrases.
The next section consists of a listening comprehension task in which students need to decide which six statements are closest to the issues discussed in the video titled “6 Problems with our School System” by Next School. Some sentences are very close so remind your students to listen carefully. Afterwards, students need to collaborate in pairs to decide which 4 issues (out of all the statements) are most problematic for the education system.
Finally, the last part is a debate. Divide your students into small groups (4-6 people) and ask them to prepare arguments for and against the debate points. I recommend deciding upfront which group should debate in favour or against each point to make sure that everybody is happy and keep the conversations going. Remind students that after learning collocations they need to start using them, this debate is a perfect opportunity to do so.
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Loving it!
Great source ever !It is really useful to practice Vocabulary
Thanks! Great to hear that 🙂
I can barely get through the first minute of this, and Seth Godin is the best ‘thought leader’ you can find? The best lessons here are the ones with real people eg in the news stories. This sounds a little ai to me sadly.
Thanks for the feedback! It’s a classic informational/educational video but for sure this not an AI-made content because when this was published publically available AI tools couldn’t do stuff like that (the video is 8 years old).