Topic: House and Home
Standard Lesson 60 min
This is my home
LifestyleEngage students in discussing homes with this beginner lesson! Students talk about their homes, watch a video about a small flat and practise pronunciation skills. They also share their perspectives and opinions.
Critical Reading Club 45 min
Decluttering: a tedious task or a healthy habit?
LifestyleEncourage students to read an article on decluttering! Students discuss consumption habits, practise vocabulary related to decluttering and talk about their homes. They also share their experiences of consumption and decluttering.
Standard Lesson 60 min
It’s on the wall behind the sofa
General GrammarStudents talk about furniture and learn prepositions of place for beginners! They learn furniture items and revise rooms, listen to recordings, and describe pictures. They also talk about items in their own homes.
Standard Lesson 60 min
My favourite room
General LifestyleTalk about rooms in a house with this lesson! Students learn the names of rooms, practise adjectives to describe them and share personal preferences. They also watch a video of a flat tour and practise the structures with ‘would like’.
My house, my home
General Grammar LifestyleStudents learn how to talk about homes and describe the rooms. They also practice grammar while discussing topics related to renting flats.
Standard Lesson 60 min
An unusual place to live
LifestyleThis lesson invites students to talk about unusual places around the world! They practise vocabulary for extreme environments, watch a video about living underground and share their perspectives on the effects of living under extreme conditions.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Things we use every day
GeneralWith this lesson, students explore and use adjectives in the correct order! They watch a video of everyday objects in super macro, discuss personal objects and talk about objects with different characteristics.
Standard Lesson 60 min
LifestyleWith this lesson, students talk about family structures and shared parenting. They explore vocabulary to talk about parenting and watch a video about single mothers and children who share households.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
What a chore!
GeneralWith this lesson, students discuss chores, practise vocabulary and watch a funny video on doing chores at work. They also discuss tips to make chores fun and do role-play tasks assigning and prioritising chores in different scenarios.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
How smart should home appliances be
Lifestyle TechnologyEngage students in a conversation about the advantages and disadvantages of smart appliances! With this lesson, students will also reinforce essential vocabulary such as adjectives and collocations to discuss the topic.
Standard Lesson 60 min
My home is your home
LifestyleCheck out this lesson to have an engaging conversation about home swapping and house sitting and help your students learn useful vocabulary to describe experiences.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Would you ever renovate a house?
LifestyleIn this ESL lesson about houses and renovation, students learn some useful vocabulary related to the topic, watch a video and talk about house renovations.
Standard Lesson 60 min
From city to country
LifestyleIn this lesson about living in the country or a city, students learn some phrases, watch a video, and read a short article.
Standard Lesson 60 min
The value of unpaid care work
Global IssuesIn this lesson about unpaid work, students watch a video, practise using some verbs and discuss care work in depth.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Renting a flat (articles)
General GrammarIn this grammar lesson students learn how to use articles (‘a/an’, ‘the’, no article). They listen to recordings, discuss renting a flat, and do grammar exercises. Students also have a role play.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Retrofitting – well worth the effort
Global IssuesIn this lesson, students talk about the concept of retrofitting and how it helps to achieve net-zero emissions. They also learn and practise some vocabulary from the article.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Small house, small problem
LifestyleIn this Critical Reading Club lesson, students discuss the idea of living in a small house and having fewer possessions. They also learn some useful vocabulary to talk about the topic.
Critical Reading Club 30 min
Senior roommates
Global Issues LifestyleIn this lesson, students talk about the idea of senior citizens living together, do a word formation activity, and discuss retirement.