beginner lesson on homes
A1 / Elementary | A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

This is my home


Engage students in discussing homes with this beginner lesson! Students talk about their homes, watch a video about a small flat and practise pronunciation skills. They also share their perspectives and opinions.

C1 / Advanced | C2 / Proficiency
Standard Lesson 60 min

Our food choices

Global Issues Lifestyle

Talk about food quality and choices with this advanced lesson! Students practise advanced vocabulary for discussing food, watch a video on lab-grown meat and share their preferences, habits and opinions.

A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
2 lessons

Let’s compare!

Grammar Lifestyle Technology

Students learn to use comparatives and superlatives and compare technologies.They also use the structures to compare different places.

talking about bucket lists
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min

What would you put on your bucket list?


Engage in talking about bucket lists with this lesson! Students discuss goals and ambitions, watch a video about a traveller visiting multiple places in a week and talk about their thoughts and experiences.

ESL lesson on physical media
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

The return of physical media

Lifestyle Technology

Talk about physical media with this lesson! Students discuss experiences of using tangible media, practise useful vocabulary for discussing the topic and share their opinions. They also watch a video on physical media.

C1 / Advanced
Critical Reading Club 45 min

Decluttering: a tedious task or a healthy habit?


Encourage students to read an article on decluttering! Students discuss consumption habits, practise vocabulary related to decluttering and talk about their homes. They also share their experiences of consumption and decluttering.

vocabulary for discussing films
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Flipped Lesson 60 min

The film genre I can’t stand is…

General Lifestyle

Talk about films with this lesson! Students learn vocabulary for discussing films, explore a video about sci-fi and share their opinions and preferences. They also recommend something new for people to watch.

talking about places to live
A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min

Where would you rather live?


Students discuss places to live and visit with this lesson! They watch a video about living in San Diego, practise the structure ‘would rather’ and work in pairs. Students can also do an optional vocabulary activity where they review adjectives.

A1 lesson on rooms in a house
A1 / Elementary
Standard Lesson 60 min

My favourite room

General Lifestyle

Talk about rooms in a house with this lesson! Students learn the names of rooms, practise adjectives to describe them and share personal preferences. They also watch a video of a flat tour and practise the structures with ‘would like’.

speaking lesson on clothes
B1 / Intermediate
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min

Less is more: minimalist wardrobe


Students discuss minimalist wardrobes! They watch a video and talk about reasons and rules for maintaining such a wardrobe, as well as talking about their personal style. Students say what they’d wear in different situations and do a role-play about packing for a trip.

lesson on like/love/hate + ing
A1 / Elementary
Standard Lesson 60 min

We love travelling!

Grammar Lifestyle

Talk about holiday likes and dislikes with this lesson! Students work on vocabulary about holiday activities, practise like/love/hate + ing and explore spelling rules to create gerunds. They also watch a video about a family who travels in a campervan!

discussing online experts
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min

Trust me, I’m an expert

Lifestyle Technology

Discuss how to choose expert advice with this lesson! Students revise vocabulary for discussing expertise, talk about the risks of following self-proclaimed experts and share opinions on seeking guidance. They also watch and discuss a video on financial advice.

A1 / Elementary
2 lessons

Where I live: places and transportation

General Lifestyle

With this set, students learn the vocabulary to talk about their neighbourhood, as well as describe different places and talk about transportation.

beginner lesson on transport
A1 / Elementary
Standard Lesson 60 min

Do you often take the bus to work?

General Lifestyle

With this lesson, students talk about ways of getting around! They discuss different transport, practise transport-related vocabulary and watch a video about Luxembourg public transportation. They also explore adjectives and revise frequency adverbs!

vocabulary for discussing relationships
B2 / Upper Intermediate | C1 / Advanced
Standard Lesson 60 min

Spotting the flags


Engage in discussing behaviours in relationships with this lesson! Students practise vocabulary for discussing relationships and watch a video about red, green and beige flags. They also share their opinions on relationship flags and their impact.

A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
3 lessons

My house, my home

General Grammar Lifestyle

Students learn how to talk about homes and describe the rooms. They also practice grammar while discussing topics related to renting flats.

A2 / Pre‐Intermediate | B1 / Intermediate
2 lessons

Using Present Perfect and Past Simple

Grammar Lifestyle

Students learn the differences between Present Perfect and Past Simple while doing various activities and discussing interesting topics.

ESL lesson on places in a town
A1 / Elementary
Standard Lesson 60 min

In my neighbourhood

General Lifestyle

Students talk about neighbourhoods! They learn words for common places in a neighbourhood, and learn adjectives for people and places. They work with maps, listen to a recording, and watch a video. They also do a ‘this or that’ activity.

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