Category: General
Flipped Lesson 60 min
The wisdom of myths
GeneralStudents talk about mythology with this engaging lesson! They discuss the impact of myths, work with idioms and share their opinions. Students also speak about mythological characters and watch part of a podcast on why myths matter.
Standard Lesson 60 min
At a hotel
GeneralTalk about hotel situations with this lesson! Students practise hotel-related vocabulary, watch a short video on a hotel stay and share their own experiences. They also work in pairs and role-play hotel scenarios.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Learning to cope with rejection
GeneralTalk about rejection with this lesson! Students discuss ways to handle it, watch part of a podcast on ‘rejection therapy’ and share their opinions. They can also do an extra vocabulary activity.
Standard Lesson 60 min
That’s how it was (past ability and obligation)
General GrammarTalk about life a century ago! In this engaging lesson, students explore phrases for past ability and obligation, read about old professions and discuss the pros and cons of life in the past.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Mastering phrasal verbs
Business GeneralStudents practise advanced phrasal verbs with this lesson! They engage in interesting discussions about workplace interactions, challenges, and negotiations. They also talk about various situations and watch a short comedic video.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Nature vs nurture (conditional structures)
General GrammarDiscuss nature vs. nurture with this engaging lesson! Students explore twin research, review advanced conditional structures and debate how genetics shape our lives. They also watch a video on twin research.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Fancy a train ride?
GeneralTalk about train rides with this lesson! Students practise train-related vocabulary, watch part of a video about train travel and discuss their preferences and experiences. They also explore phrases to buy tickets and work in pairs.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
The film genre I can’t stand is…
General LifestyleTalk about films with this lesson! Students learn vocabulary for discussing films, explore a video about sci-fi and share their opinions and preferences. They also recommend something new for people to watch.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Parts of the body
GeneralTeach vocabulary for body parts with this lesson! Students discuss various activities in connection with body parts, watch two animation videos and describe the characters. They also explore different actions and discuss personal habits.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Architecture: less is more or ‘less is bore’?
GeneralExplore the realm of modern architecture with this lesson! Students practise architecture-related vocabulary, share their opinions on notable buildings and watch a video on modern architecture. Students also discuss ‘architectural myopia’.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
The best teacher I’ve had
GeneralJoin in talking about teachers with this lesson! Students share opinions and experiences, watch a video about a scientist who’s considered a good teacher and discuss the impact of teaching styles on learning. They can also do an optional vocabulary activity.
Standard Lesson 60 min
In a souvenir shop
GeneralWith this lesson, students explore souvenir vocabulary, watch a video about a souvenir shop and listen to an audio where people talk in a gift shop. Students also discuss a price list, role-play a conversation and practise useful phrases for shopping.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Excuses, excuses!
GeneralPractise common ways to make excuses with this lesson! Students discuss common reasons for making excuses, watch a short video about the best excuses for being late and work in pairs making and responding to excuses.
Standard Lesson 60 min
It’s a kind of magic!
GeneralTalk about magic with this lesson! Students watch a video with a trick, explore common verbs and talk about magic tricks from different perspectives.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Were your school days fun?
General GrammarPractise the past forms of to be with this lesson for beginners! Students discuss subjects people learn at school and watch a video where people mention their favourite subjects. They also ask and answer questions about their past.
Standard Lesson 60 min
The quirky side of you
GeneralWith this lesson, students talk about quirky behaviours! They watch a video of celebrities sharing their unusual habits, practise vocabulary to describe behaviour and share their opinions and experiences. Students also discuss famous characters’ quirkiness.
Standard Lesson 60 min
It’s on the wall behind the sofa
General GrammarStudents talk about furniture and learn prepositions of place for beginners! They learn furniture items and revise rooms, listen to recordings, and describe pictures. They also talk about items in their own homes.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Can’t talk atm
GeneralStudents talk about texting with this lesson! They learn and practise common texting abbreviations, and watch a funny video about passive-aggressive texting. They share texting opinions, habits, and preferences, and practise writing text messages to each other.