Category: Business
Standard Lesson 60 min
Describing trends in data
BusinessTalk about trends in data with this lesson! Students practise vocabulary for describing graphs, watch a video on the sales of mobile phones and discuss data analysis. They also talk about future trends in smartphones and operating systems.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Mastering phrasal verbs
Business GeneralStudents practise advanced phrasal verbs with this lesson! They engage in interesting discussions about workplace interactions, challenges, and negotiations. They also talk about various situations and watch a short comedic video.
CVs and searching for a job
BusinessThis lesson set allows students to talk about job hunting and teaches them how to write a CV in English.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Are they really hiring?
BusinessTalk about the job market and employment opportunities with this lesson! Students watch a video on fake job listings, analyze a job posting and discuss tips for job seekers. They can also do an optional vocabulary activity.
Standard Lesson 60 min
From pitch to profit
BusinessTalk about sales strategies with this lesson! Students learn and practise vocabulary for discussing sales, watch a video about a sales challenge and talk about a salesperson’s job. They also share their opinions and role-play sales situations.
Standard Lesson 60 min
The efficiency dilemma
Business Global IssuesExplore efficiency from different perspectives! Students learn advanced vocabulary for discussing efficiency, watch a video about the Jevons Paradox and share their opinions. They also brainstorm ways to address efficiency-related concepts.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Sealing the deal
BusinessTalk about negotiation with this lesson! Students practise negotiation phrases and structures, watch a video on steps to succeed in negotiation and role-play situations involving negotiation.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Event management
Business GeneralTalk about event management and share experiences with this lesson! Students practise event management phrases, watch a video about making events memorable and discuss how they would plan and manage a successful event.
Money we spend
Business GeneralIn the first lesson of the set, students learn verbs related to money and vocabulary to talk about spending money. They also compare costs of living. In the second lesson, students practise the vocabulary further while talking about shopping.
In-store and online shopping
BusinessThis lesson set teaches online shopping vocabulary and includes discussions and debates on e-commerce and grocery shopping.
Standard Lesson 60 min
To tip or not to tip
BusinessTalk about different tipping practises with this lesson! Students explore advanced vocabulary to talk about financial situations, watch a video on why Americans are tipping less and share their personal experiences!
Standard Lesson 75 min
Just to confirm… (functional language for meetings)
BusinessTalk about meeting situations with this lesson! Students practise phrases for meetings, watch a funny video and share their own experiences. They also role-play a situation where they are employees at a company discussing who does which task.
Critical Reading Club 30 min / 45 min
Let’s pick you a career!
Business GeneralDiscuss career paths with this lesson! Students read an article about choosing a career path, practise phrases to discuss the topic and role-play offering and responding to career suggestions. They also talk about personal interests, skills, and job preferences.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Does teamwork make the dream work?
BusinessDiscuss teamwork with this lesson! Students share their experiences and opinions, watch a video about a teamwork psychometric test and assess teamwork tasks in various contexts. They can also explore useful vocabulary with an optional activity.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Chatting with co-workers (fillers and backchanneling)
BusinessPractise filler words with this lesson! Students share what they chat with their colleagues about, watch two short videos of small talk at work and explore filler words to make conversations more natural. They also role-play dialogues.
Practising quantifiers in different contexts
Business GrammarThis lesson set on job satisfaction and professional improvement allows students to practise quantifiers.
Fixing mistakes and misunderstandings
Business GeneralStudents explore workplace mistakes and common misunderstandings while learning and practising effective ways to apologize for them.
Money, money, money
Business GeneralStudents learn and practise money-related vocabulary. They learn the vocabulary in lessons 1 and 2, and practise it while discussing shopping.