Explore our lesson plans
City and transport
General GrammarIn the first lesson, students talk about cities and learn quantifiers. In the second lesson, they talk about transport in cities using the quantifiers.
Standard Lesson 60 min
The digital Revolut(ion)
BusinessWith this lesson, students talk about online services and learn vocabulary related to the topic. They also discuss their own experiences, watch a video about a successful neobank, and discuss the features of digital businesses.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Revitalized neighbourhoods or ghost towns?
Global IssuesWith this intriguing lesson, students explore the concept of ‘gentrification’ and its impacts. They explore and practise vocabulary related to the topic, watch a short video, analyse opinions and examine solutions for gentrification challenges.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Let’s talk money
GeneralWith this speaking lesson, students talk about financial literacy, listen to excerpts from a podcast on the topic and discuss their experiences and perspectives. They also analyse money-related situations and come up with solutions.
Forming logical arguments
Business General TechnologyIn the first lesson of this set, students learn and practise conjunctions while talking about argumentation. Then, they further practise the conjunctions while using arguments to discuss some moral dilemmas.
Revising conditionals
Global Issues LifestyleWith this lesson set, your students will review three types of conditional sentences during 2 lessons. Each lesson in the set requires some pre-class student work (watching a video or reading an article).
Making comparisons
GeneralThis lesson set provides opportunities to practise making comparisons and discuss interesting and relatable topics for intermediate learners.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Mountain tops and rooftops (compound nouns)
GeneralIn this curious lesson, students learn and practise compound nouns (e.g. sunlight, peanut butter, beach bar, etc.), discuss a funny ad to attract tourists to Sweden and create an ad for their country.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Prioritizing and to-do lists
Business LifestyleWith this insightful lesson, students practise vocabulary to talk about priorities, watch an explainer video about the Eisenhower Matrix and discuss time management. They also give advice on how to organize tasks.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Culture shock
GeneralWith this speaking lesson, students talk about culture shock, share their perspectives and discuss what the experience of a foreign exchange student might be. They also watch a short video and practise vocabulary related to the topic.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Office, remote or hybrid?
BusinessWith this up-to-date lesson, students discuss work life after lockdown and practise vocabulary to talk about workplace changes. They also watch a news video about companies changing the way they work and discuss different work models.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Art that refuses to settle
LifestyleWith this lesson, students practise advanced adjectives to talk about art, discuss art’s purpose and analyze art pieces. They also watch a video on performance art and discuss its impact and their personal experiences.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
How to deal with misunderstandings
Business GeneralWith this speaking lesson, students discuss situations that might cause misunderstandings, watch a short and funny ad and analyse tips on how to avoid miscommunication.
Talking about personal traits
GeneralThe lessons in this set are connected by a common topic: students discuss how personality traits affect different areas of life.
Phone communication skills
BusinessThe lessons in the set cover the topics related to phone communication. In the first lesson students talk about things one should and shouldn’t do when on a business phone call, and in the second lesson they practise phone conversations and talk about challenges of talking on the phone.
Talking about work tasks and skills
BusinessThe lessons in this set allow students to learn useful structures and vocabulary to be able to talk about their tasks, skills and motivation more fluently. The tasks in the lessons also let students apply previously learnt materials.
Standard Lesson 60 min
The youth changing the world
Global IssuesWith this highly relevant lesson, students discuss youth activism, examine different causes and practise vocabulary related to the topic. They also watch and discuss a video about Malala Yousafzai and reflect on the impact of youth involvement in social causes.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Opposites attract
GeneralWith this fun lesson, students practise opposite verbs, talk about themselves, read about “Opposite Day” and create scenarios where things are different from what they usually are.