In this lesson based on a video about kindness, students revise irregular past forms, practise them by re-telling a story in the past and eventually tell their own stories.
As an introduction to the theme of the lesson, the first exercise starts with a list of twelve actions some people did in the past and students’ task is to decide whether they were kind, unkind or it depends. Afterwards, students look at the irregular past forms in the sentences and write their infinitive forms. Next, they analyse five categories of making irregular past simple forms and classify the verbs from the previous exercise. The following task pre-teaches them some words they’ll need to talk about the video in the second part of the lesson (e.g. leaflet, sneeze, trolley). Students read a few questions and match the highlighted words to the corresponding pictures. Then, they ask each other the questions, wait for the answers and add follow-up questions to find out more details. The last task in this part of the lesson is a matching exercise in which students put two half phrases together and then decide if the verbs they contain have regular or irregular past forms.
Before watching the video, students look at the complete phrases from the previous exercise and discuss what happened to the main character using Past Simple. They watch the first part of the video and put the events in the correct order ignoring the gaps in the sentences. Then, they look at the sentences again and use the given infinitive forms to complete the gaps with their correct regular or irregular past forms. After a short discussion, students move on to the second part of the video. First, they read a gapped text and try to predict the missing irregular past forms. Then, they watch the second part and check the answers. After a discussion about kindness, students look at a list of acts of kindness and in pairs discuss the ones they did in the past. The final task gives them a chance to further practise using the past forms. Each student gets a list of five infinitives from the teacher and has to tell their own story incorporating their past forms.
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keep up doing lesson plans like this one! very useful! Thanks a lot! love from AZERBAIJAN
Thank you
This lesson is SO PERFECT. Thank you lots for all your efforts. The video actually made me tear up a little bit. Love from Brazil!
thanks a lot, for this lesson plan,
I’m sure I will have tears rolling down
when I do this lesson with my students…
but I think it will help some of the students to show their humanity.
This really is an excellent lesson plan!
I’m glad you like it
Excellent lesson. Has worked really well with my A2 students. Really pushed them to use the past and deals with a topic that has broad appeal. Thank you!
Great, thanks for sharing!
The video is not working. It says “Video unavailable. Video is private,” private when I click the play button. Any way you can fix this issue?
Thanks for reporting that to us.
Using this lesson tomorrow morning. Should be interesting
Good luck
This is a lovely lesson,thank you!
Thanks, Flavia!
Amazing lesson! So complete, very well thought-out!
Thanks, Christiane
Thanks, Kiana!
Thank you very much for a nice lesson, Ewa!
Using it today for a class, I’m sure the students will love it and will leave the class with the brightest emotions ^_^
Thanks, I hope they enjoy it