Introducing: Lesson Flows!

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What are Lesson Flows?

We understand that selecting the right ESL Brains lesson can be a bit overwhelming. With over 600 unique lessons, it’s hard to know where to start. That’s why many of you have been enjoying Lesson Sets, our short lesson sequences of 2-3 worksheets connected by the same topic or function.

So, we wanted to come up with something more comprehensive: Lesson Flows! 

Lesson Flows are a much larger sequence of lessons, designed to take your student on a particular learning journey. Lesson Flows contain 15 lessons per sequence, with additional ‘follow up’ lesson suggestions. The Flows are compilations of pre-existing ESL Brains lessons, but with a new purpose of helping teachers navigate learning in a more structured way.

Who should use Lesson Flows?

Lesson Flows are useful for: 

  • teachers starting with a new student(s) and want a structured learning plan to follow
  • teachers who are new to ESL Brains and need help navigating the lesson database
  • teachers wanting to teach using ESL Brains lessons exclusively 
  • teachers looking to try out a new curriculum instead of a standard textbook structure 

How do Lesson Flows work?

Think of a Lesson Flow like a loose curriculum. We provide a suggested sequence of pre-existing ESL Brains lessons that take your students on a language learning path, allowing them to build skills as they go. The lessons are sequenced to ensure a smooth transition between topics, and each lesson provides a new objective in terms of vocabulary, grammar, or functional language. We’ve selected 15 lessons that we think students will benefit from the most. Each lesson flows seamlessly into the next, allowing students to build on what they’ve learned previously and reinforce their skills as they progress.

By the end of a Lesson Flow, students should feel that they have advanced in their language usage and gained new skills, and you should feel that you’ve successfully guided through a structured learning experience. 

The best part? You don’t need to stress about planning each class and ensuring logical transitions between lessons. Weeks of planning is all done for you! 

What Lesson Flows are available?

At the moment, we offer two lesson flows: A2 General and A2/B1 Business.

Our A2 General Lesson Flow takes students on a journey in which they revise basic tenses (e.g. Present Simple, Present Continuous) and useful grammar structures (e.g. defining relative clauses). Students learn vocabulary for functional purposes, such as expressing opinions and ordering at restaurants. They also learn useful phrases for asking questions, talking about time, and describing their feelings. They have lots of speaking practice and gain vocabulary to talk about topics like travelling, shopping, and their homes. 

Our A2/B1 Business Lesson Flow allows students to talk about what they do, discuss other workplace matters (e.g. benefits, motivations), and discuss cultural differences with global business partners. They learn a lot of vocabulary and useful functional language, such as phrases to express agreement, airport and travel plan language, and ways to make workplace requests. They also practise useful grammar structures such as modal verbs (e.g. must, might) and tenses like the Present Perfect to describe experiences. 

We’re hoping to compile more Flows for different levels and purposes, but we need your feedback to help us make them as effective as possible. Let us know if you find them useful and we encourage any feedback you might have to improve the flows.  

So, what are you waiting for? Try out one of our Lesson Flows today! 


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  1. Kev

    absolutely fabulous, well done guys.

    1. Olia

      Thanks so much, we’re thrilled you like it 😊

  2. Graziele Schirmer

    Great Idea! Axiously looking forwstd tô using them

    1. Olia

      Thanks! We’re excited for you to try them out too. If you have any feedback or suggestions, we’d love to hear them!

  3. Gabriela

    That’s why we love you guys!

    1. Olia


  4. Weronika Zylinska

    Finally. Thank you! Level-specific Flows with coherent progression of skills-building lessons will help those who lack experience in methodology and course organisation. Perhaps, short reviewing activities, sprinkled here and there would make a Flow as a whole more effective?

    1. Olia

      Thanks for the feedback! Glad you like the Lesson Flows 😊 Adding short review activities is a great idea – we’ll look into it!


    oh my goodness what a fabulous job! Super job! Extremely useful!

    1. Olia

      Thank you! We’re so glad you found it helpful.

  6. Charles W

    we love it! thanks for your effort to keep us satisfied 😉

    1. Olia

      Thank you! We’re so happy to hear that! 😊

  7. Pontiroli C

    Great! Great! Great!

    1. Olia


  8. Inglês Fundamental

    This is awesome guys! Thank you so much!

    1. Olia

      Thanks! Your support really motivates us 🙂

  9. Cassiano Wogel

    You guys never cease to amaze me! Thanks for enabling me to teach English on a high level with your incredible lesson plans. Cheers from Brazil!

    1. Olia

      Thank you so much! Cheers from our team, and all the best in Brazil! 🌟

  10. Puja Gandhi

    I’ve been making these types of ¨flows¨ on my own for the past year, so this is going to be very helpful!

    1. Olia

      Awesome! We’d love to hear your thoughts on our Lesson Flows and how they compare to your own 🙂

  11. Roberta Faiolo

    I loved it! Maybe a grammar flow for students that just want to review the verb tenses for example?

    1. Olia

      Thank you! And thanks for the suggestion 🙂 Keep them coming!

  12. Lisa Mason

    Can’t wait to start using these, excellent idea ! Keep them coming ! Maybe one for different grades of ESL learners at school 🙂

    1. Olia

      Thank you so much! Let us know how it goes and what you think once you start using them! 😊

  13. newhorizons

    This is what I needed at the beginning of school year! Thank you guys. I’m hoping to see more of them at different levels of English

    1. Olia

      We’re so glad to hear this came at the perfect time! Thank you for your feedback, and we’re definitely planning to offer more at various levels. So stay tuned!

  14. ElenaOrlandi

    this is great! thank you so much, it’s going to save me so much planning time! Looking forward to the higher level ones as well.

  15. MCC_Fit

    Fabulous. Thank you

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