What if cars could fly? (hypothetical situations)

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Grammar - Second Conditional

talking about hypothetical situations

This is a standalone lesson but it can also be used as part of the set titled:

Video 1 (ex. 2 & 5)

Video 2 (ex. 4)


Did your students study Second Conditional but still have a hard time talking about hypothetical situations in a grammatically correct manner? In this lesson they will get a lot of practice with two videos and speaking tasks designed to help them master the use of Second Conditional

B1 / Intermediate
B2 / Upper Intermediate
60 minStandard LessonPremium Plan


The lesson starts with a short warm-up task in which students read six sentences and decide which are hypothetical situations. Then, they watch the beginning of the first video and complete gaps to create questions in Second Conditional. They try to answer the questions, after which they watch the second video. In it, they see how a flying car works, so they compare the answers with their ideas. After that, students watch the rest of the first video and create questions by completing gaps with verbs. They also discuss some questions, as well as other ideas not related to the video. For instance, they need to say how people’s lives changed as a result of once hypothetical inventions becoming reality (e.g. video calls, drones, smartwatches). 


In this part of the lesson, students look at a list of inventions and categorise them based on whether and when they think the inventions will be created (e.g. mind-reading machine, 3D food printer, robot butler). Then, they choose two of the inventions and need to write three hypothetical questions about them. They also ask each other the questions they wrote. After that, students will be talking about hypothetical situations (e.g. medicine can cure all diseases, invisibility cloaks are real) and discuss some aspects of life that would be different in these situations. Finally, students play a game.They receive a card with a word (e.g. sweets, the internet, plastic). They need to imagine a world without the item on your card and describe it to their partner. They also have to listen to your partner’s description and guess the word on their card. 


This worksheet includes an additional task that you can use as homework or revision. In the task, students practise talking about hypothetical situations. It’s available in the teacher’s version of the worksheet. You can print it, cut it up and hand it out to your students. It’s also included in the e-lesson plan.



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Leave a Reply

  1. youwillspeak

    Thanks for another great lesson plan! However, I think the topic on mixed conditionals would be much better in a non-business, general context. 🙂

    1. Ewa

      Thanks for your comment. This is a lesson on second conditional. We have a Business English lesson on mixed conditionals, so I’m assuming you mean you would like a version of that lesson for General English students? It’s a good suggestion, we will definetely consider it 🙂

  2. radberk

    Amazing !

    1. Ewa

      I’m glad you like it 🙂

  3. Dorothy_Duchnowska

    EXCELLENT SUBJECT !!! My Ss are amazed . Thx

    1. Ewa

      Thanks, Dorothy! I’m delighted to hear that 🙂

  4. EveSmith

    This is a wonderful lesson and love the thought-provoking questions at the end to practise the structure. Well done!!

    1. Ewa

      Thanks, Eve 🙂

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