Level: A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min
This is my home
LifestyleEngage students in discussing homes with this beginner lesson! Students talk about their homes, watch a video about a small flat and practise pronunciation skills. They also share their perspectives and opinions.
Let’s compare!
Grammar Lifestyle TechnologyStudents learn to use comparatives and superlatives and compare technologies.They also use the structures to compare different places.
Standard Lesson 60 min
It’s a kind of magic!
GeneralTalk about magic with this lesson! Students watch a video with a trick, explore common verbs and talk about magic tricks from different perspectives.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Where would you rather live?
LifestyleStudents discuss places to live and visit with this lesson! They watch a video about living in San Diego, practise the structure ‘would rather’ and work in pairs. Students can also do an optional vocabulary activity where they review adjectives.
Money we spend
Business GeneralIn the first lesson of the set, students learn verbs related to money and vocabulary to talk about spending money. They also compare costs of living. In the second lesson, students practise the vocabulary further while talking about shopping.
I got, I made, I went…
General GrammarIn the first lesson of the set, students revise past simple irregular verb forms and use them to tell a story from the video. In the second lesson, they do a set of activities focused on practising Past Simple through speaking.
Describing objects
GeneralIn the first lesson, students revise adjectives and learn how to use them in order while talking about personal objects. In the second lesson, they learn and use more adjectives to talk about clothes.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Nice glasses! (giving and receiving compliments)
GeneralStudents give and receive compliments in this lesson! They watch a funny video in which a man compliments strangers, learn phrases to give and receive compliments, and discuss the concept. They also role-play compliment situations and look at compliment rules!
Standard Lesson 75 min
Just to confirm… (functional language for meetings)
BusinessTalk about meeting situations with this lesson! Students practise phrases for meetings, watch a funny video and share their own experiences. They also role-play a situation where they are employees at a company discussing who does which task.
My house, my home
General Grammar LifestyleStudents learn how to talk about homes and describe the rooms. They also practice grammar while discussing topics related to renting flats.
Using Present Perfect and Past Simple
Grammar LifestyleStudents learn the differences between Present Perfect and Past Simple while doing various activities and discussing interesting topics.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Chatting with co-workers (fillers and backchanneling)
BusinessPractise filler words with this lesson! Students share what they chat with their colleagues about, watch two short videos of small talk at work and explore filler words to make conversations more natural. They also role-play dialogues.
Standard Lesson 60 min
‘Tis the season
GeneralTalk about the holiday season with this lesson! Students practise collocations related to Christmas, read fun facts about Christmas around the world and watch a video about things to do in London during the holiday season. They also share their opinions on Christmas activities.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Excuse me, where is the food court? (giving directions)
GeneralWith this lesson, students practise giving and asking for directions! Students talk about shopping centres, watch a video about a large shopping centre in Canada and learn the names of places and things they might find at the mall.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Life experiences (Present Perfect + ‘ever’, ‘never’)
GrammarWith this lesson, students discuss life experiences and bucket lists. They also watch a video where children say if they have stolen something and practise Present Perfect with ever and never.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
The joy of walking
LifestyleJoin in discussing the effects of walking with this lesson! Students share opinions, watch a video about the benefits of walking and review useful vocabulary. They also recommend ideas to a friend who wants to be healthier and discuss quotes related to personal journeys.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Your style, your story
General LifestyleTalk about style with this lesson! Students discuss clothing choices, practise vocabulary on clothing and watch an ad for a fashion brand. They also share their personal clothing preferences and work on mind maps.
Speaking Class 45 min / 60 min
Hobbies: more than just free time
LifestyleEngage in talking about hobbies from different perspectives! With this lesson, students share their thoughts and experiences related to pastimes, explore useful phrases and watch two short videos on hobbies. They also play a guessing game!