Decision time (business case study)

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Discussing business case studies


business case study worksheet

This is a standalone lesson but it can also be used as part of the set titled:


Thanks to this business case study worksheet, students learn phrasal verbs to talk about companies, watch a video presenting a case study and discuss situations in which companies face different problems.

B2 / Upper Intermediate
C1 / Advanced
45 minFlipped LessonUnlimited Plan

This is a Flipped Classroom lesson plan. In a nutshell, it means that the first part of the lesson needs to be done by students at home. Learn more about flipped classroom and how we implement it in these lesson plans in our post.


The pre‐class part includes two vocabulary exercises. First, students read a few sentences and have to choose the best word (A, B or C) to complete them. Thanks to that, students will learn words and phrases such as flat revenues, equity stake, majority shareholder, etc. All of the vocabulary will later appear in the video. Next, students read some sentences and complete phrasal verbs with the correct words provided in the box. The phrasal verbs in this exercise are connected with companies and their operations, e.g. buy out, step aside or sell off.


Video & Discussion

The in‐class part starts with a short discussion about companies, the problems they face and some exit strategies. After that, students watch the first part of a short video presenting a business case study and need to complete a table with the missing information. In the second listening comprehension task, students watch the rest of the video and need to discuss a few questions.

Vocabulary & Case Studies

Then, students read three short texts and have to complete them with missing prepositions. Apart from checking students’ knowledge of phrasal verbs they learnt beforehand, we also revise some common expressions such as see eye to eye, click with someone or be on the same page. After completing the texts, in their own words, students need to explain what the expressions mean. Finally, this business case study worksheet ends with a discussion. Students read the three situations again,  weigh up the possible options and say what decisions they would take when faced with such challenges.



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  1. deborah

    You’re the BEST! Going to try this brand new class tomorrow and let you know how it goes 🙂

    1. Justa

      Perfect! Looking forward to your feedback 🙂

  2. Natasha Bergen

    FANTASTIC! I’m really looking forward to use this in my coming lessons. Thank you!

  3. Agnieszka Turzańska

    Hi guys! Thanks for another great lesson plan. One question concerning exercise 2 sentence C: there is a choice between “step down” and “step aside”. The dictionary says that both expressions mean withdraw or resign from an important position or office. What do you think about this case?

    1. Agnieszka Turzańska

      Sorry! I’ve just realised my mistake 🙂

      1. Justa

        No worries, it happens 🙂

        1. bea102

          Hello, could ‘step down’ also be used in this case? Thanks

          1. Justa

            Hi! That’s right! In this exercise students need to complete the gaps and not choose one option. In that case we provided one correct option there, i.e. ‘step down’, and students need to find other word in the box that can also complete this phrasal verb, i.e. ‘aside’. So when they do it correctly, they end up with two correct options ‘step aside’ and ‘step down’ that can be both used in that case.

  4. Marcia C

    When I download the PowerPoint it’s all messed up and I can’t fix it. It always happens and I have always fixed all lessons but this one is just impossible to fix…
    I really want to use the lesson but I can’t. Can you help me, Pleeeeease?

    1. Stan

      As we design our lessons in Google Slides, we recommend using that for teaching online and editing our e-lesson plans. There’s an option to download our e-lesson plans in pptx but as you already know the formatting will be off. We simply can’t guarantee the same experience using pptx as when using Google Slides. I’m sorry but there’s not much I can do here.
      If you really need this lesson in an offline version, download it as a PDF. You’ll lose the animations and editing capabilities but it will look the way it should.

  5. [email protected]

    Excellent, as usual. I used in my class today. Awesome!

  6. ddjur7

    This is actually perfect for my business English students! Thank you so much 🙂

  7. Jasmine Green

    Thank you SO MUCH for this case studies. Case studies are so useful and in such high demand!!!

    1. Justa

      I’m happy they come in handy! You can find other lessons with case studies here

  8. Adventsukmayani

    Thank you so much for this!!
    This eases my worry for the first bussiness english class tmr

    1. Justa

      Happy to hear that and good luck with your classes 🙂

  9. Micchael Silva

    Great content! It will be really useful for my classes.
    I really liked the case studies created in the end, as well as the video selected.
    The vocabulary activities are really good but they might be a little overwhelming. I decided to select some of them.
    Thanks for the amazing content!

    1. Micchael Silva

      I’ve created extra activities to boost students speaking. I could share if you wish.

      1. Justa

        Hi! Thanks for such positive feedback on the lesson plan, I’m really happy to hear that 🙂 Regarding the extra activities, sure, you can upload them somewhere and share a link with us here (as long as the activities are your original ideas and do not include any tasks from coursebooks, etc.).

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