Calm down and carry on! (phrasal verbs)

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Vocabulary - phrasal verbs

practise phrasal verbs


The main objectives of this worksheet are to:

  • review and practise phrasal verbs;
  • create sentences and stories; 
  • share experiences and opinions using phrasal verbs.

With this worksheet, students identify phrasal verbs from different categories (e.g. relationships, work, apps & websites, etc.), create sentences and play “two truths and a lie”. They choose correct prepositions to complete phrasal verbs and finish stories with their own ideas. Students also rewrite sentences, create dialogues and complete statements to talk about their opinions and preferences.

A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
B1 / Intermediate
60 minStandard LessonUnlimited Plan


This worksheet includes a task where students match phrasal verbs from specific categories to phrases that complete them (e.g. get on well with a neighbour, deal with a problem and fix it, etc.). After that, they create sentences (two truths and a lie about themselves) in each category to practise phrasal verbs. Students also invite others to ask them follow-up questions to guess which one is a lie


In this task, students need to choose the correct words to create the most suitable phrasal verbs (e.g. move in, grow up, find out, etc.) for different stories with the same characters. Then, they choose and finish one story using phrasal verbs from the other story. 


Within this activity, students practise phrasal verbs by rewriting sentences. They need to use the provided phrasal verbs (e.g. go away, invite over, carry out, etc.) to do it. Next, they use the sentences to create dialogues about plans for the evening, a weekend getaway, work tasks and meetings.


In this activity, students practise phrasal verbs and complete trios of sentences with the same particle (e.g. in, out, back, etc.). Afterwards, they have to choose an option to complete the statement in a way that is true for them or that they agree with most. They also add more details



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