This lesson plan is our attempt to make students ask more questions in English during the class. Unfortunately, questions are mostly asked by teachers and the effect is that our students often struggle with them. The lesson plan is prepared for one-to-one classes as a student interviews a teacher.
B2 / Upper Intermediate30 minStandard LessonPremium Plan
We often start our classes with small talk. Therefore, the first exercise is exactly that. The student needs to start the lesson with small talk. To make it easier for them, we included a list of possible ideas for small talk topics. Make sure that they ask the questions and steer the conversation so that they have plenty of opportunities to do so.
Next, the student moves to two tasks in which they will interview teachers and get to know them better. First, they think what they’ve always wanted to ask their teacher, finish the questions given with their own ideas, and ask away. Then, there is an activity in which both the student and the teacher ask questions. They need to write down 5 things, places, people, etc. that are important to them. After that, they ask each other questions to find out what these things mean to the other person.
Finally, the last part of the worksheet on questions in English consists of two tasks. In the first one, the student needs to choose one of three topics given and tell the teacher what they’re going to talk about together. Then, they ask the teacher 5 questions about this topic. After that, the student continues the discussion by asking more specific questions about the topic they’ve chosen in the previous exercise. The task includes some ideas for each topic.
As this is a speaking-only lesson, there’s no Answers/Teacher’s Version.
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I really enjoyed this lesson. Thank you!
Great to hear that 🙂
Do you have lessons for A1 A2 learners?
Nope. Not right now at least 🙂
Is is correct that there’s no Teacher’s version for this lesson plan? 🙂
Yes! There are no answers to the tasks and all the notes on how to do this lesson are available in the lesson overview above. In the end, it’s all about your students asking questions 🙂
Many thanks, really an excellent worksheet! Both my student and I enjoyed it today!
Hey there. Here is the digital lesson?
Never mind. Found it. It’s missing the teacher’s version, actually.
Hi! The e‐lesson plan is here, but there is no teacher’s version. You can find the notes on how to do this lesson in the lesson overview above.
This lesson plan is genius! My students struggle with question formation, and I’ve been having trouble coming up with creative new ways to get them to practice it. I love the idea of a student-lead discussion/interview to get them out of their comfort zone (and with minimal preparation from me). I’ll try this in my classes today. Thanks!
Exactly! We want to reverse the roles and this way encourage students to practise questions. Thanks and good luck with your classes!
Excellent lesson!
I’m glad you like it!