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  1. Tubi

    I really liked this lesson. It was engaging and relatable. Thank you very much. Only thing is Part 5 gives the answers to the question D in Part 4.

    1. Justa

      Yeah, I know. Funnily, 95% of students don’t realize it as they are focused on the task their do (or the video) and it’s only later that they see they had the answers in front of them all the time 🙂

  2. Regina

    Hello Justa and Stan. Do you guys think you could turn this lesson into an E-lesson in the near future? I’d really like to use it with my online students. I can use the PDF files of course, but it’s not as engaging.

    1. Stan

      Near future is here, Regina 🙂 I’ve just added an e-lesson plan version of this lesson. Enjoy!

  3. Regina

    Thank you! 🙂

  4. MarkM

    Hi there – in exercise 3 the word ‘mistake’ should be ‘mistakes’ in order to match ‘make’ to form the required collocation. Thanks.

    1. Stan

      Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It turned out that we had an old version of pdfs linked there. We’ve updated them to make them match the current style and the e-lesson plan.

  5. Celine

    This is just great material! Thank you.

  6. Enzo Dessbesell

    I thought my group wouldn’t like this lesson because they’re old adults, turns out, they loved it. Nice job guys!

    1. Justa

      Thanks! Great to hear that!

  7. Samantha Botha

    This is a brilliant lesson! Most of my students could manage and thoroughly enjoyed it. One of my students whom I always presumed to be intermediate, really struggled, but we persevered and I used the opportunity to stretch her a bit.

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