What motivates you at work?

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Vocabulary - employee benefits

worksheet on employee benefits

This is a standalone lesson but it can also be used as part of the set titled:


In this worksheet on employee benefits, students learn vocabulary and watch a video about companies offering cool perks. They also have plenty of opportunities to discuss benefits and other things which motivate them at work. 

A2 / Pre‐Intermediate
B1 / Intermediate
60 minStandard LessonUnlimited Plan


At the beginning of this worksheet on employee benefits students read gapped quotes about motivation. Their task is to complete them with the words: motivate, motivating, motivated or motivation. Then, they decide if they agree with the quotes and give reasons why. After that, students read five statements about workplace motivation, and need to find several words in them (e.g. two synonyms for give are offer and provide). Students will use the vocabulary to discuss employee benefits in the second part of the lesson. This is followed by a speaking activity in which students choose which of the statements they agree with and explain their choices. This part of the lesson ends with an activity in which students guess three synonyms for the word perk by completing missing letters in words. The words are bonus, extra and benefit


Before watching the video about cool perks, students look at a list of ten employee perks (e.g. private healthcare, company car) and guess which of them will be mentioned in the video. During the first viewing, they check if they guessed right. During the second viewing, students match five benefits to the companies which offer them (e.g. meditation room, yoga classes). After the video, students look at five sentences which provide a context for words and phrases related to employee benefits (e.g. perk-packed, sweet), and they match the lexis with definitions. Finally, students have a discussion about perks at work. They talk about how motivating they are, what benefits their companies offer, and which benefits they think are not that useful. The last activity of this worksheet on employee benefits is only included in the teacher’s version, so you can decide whether you want or have time to use it with your students. In this task, students decide which employee benefit from each pair they would choose and explain why (e.g. an on-site kindergarten or an on-site fitness centre).  



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  1. Orkhan Miller

    Hi guys, thank you for the amazing lesson plans, could you also consider making a class for an introduction class for pre-intermediate and intermediate levels. like our first class. it would be interesting.

    1. Justa

      Hi! Thanks 🙂 You mean like our first Business English lesson plan, right? Yeah, I like the idea! We have to think about it!

  2. [email protected]

    Hi all, I just wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE ESL Brains’ lessons! I’ve been using your lesson plans with many of my students now and the lessons always turn out super engaging! So thank you sooo much for creating such great material for us teachers out there!

    1. Justa

      Hi there! You made our day! Thank you so much for such kind words about our materials! They mean the world to us 🙂

  3. AGM

    The apps page needs to either be accompanied by their logos, or simply scrapped because the students simply can´t remember what each gap does when they do the gap fill, and the logos would help a lot.

    1. Stan

      I’m not sure what you are referring to as we don’t have any “apps page” or gap fill in the listening part here. However, I assume you’re talking about the task in which students need to match company names to perks. However, there are just 3 companies mentioned there and their logos are neither very well-known nor really shown in the video so I’m not 100% sure it’s going to be helpful.

  4. Хасан Сулайманов


  5. SusanButtMEL

    This is great! Slide 23 is skipped in the Slides presentation. Please unskip 🙂 Thanks!

    1. Stan

      Susan, it’s an extra task and it has been set as ‘skip’ for that reason. It’s explained in the “teacher’s (speaker’s) notes”.

  6. Marion Odell

    I have a premium subscription and literally every lesson needs unlimited. So what exactly do I get for my money? Access to youtube links? I can do that myself. The lessons are time saving but not good enough to cost what you do. Weak. I cancelled my subscription.

    1. Stan

      I’m sorry that you feel that way. The truth is we never scaled down how much content Premium subscribers get but scaled up content for Unlimited members. The reality is that as a Premium subscriber you get 1 new lesson a week, while Unlimited get 3. But in total, Premium subscribers have access to 225 lessons and the Unlimited plan unlocks 490 lessons, so it’s 45/55 ratio, at least at the time of writing this comment (01.06.23).
      I guess you might have had the feeling of getting little as the lessons you wanted to use where available in the Unlimited plan.

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