The film genre I can’t stand is…

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Vocabulary - talking about films


vocabulary for discussing films

Video from 01:01 to 03:30


The main objectives of this lesson are to:

  • learn and practise vocabulary for discussing films;
  • talk about opinions and preferences on films;
  • listen to a video on what sci-fi is.

With this lesson, students work with film genres (e.g. romcoms, thrillers, biopics), expressions of preferences (e.g. be a big fan of) and phrases for discussing opinions on films (e.g. cry your eyes out). They read short texts, think of how emojis can represent a genre and listen to a video about science fiction. Students also share their likes and thoughts, talk about films and recommend something new for people to watch.

B1 / Intermediate
B2 / Upper Intermediate
60 minFlipped LessonUnlimited Plan

This is a Flipped Classroom lesson plan. In a nutshell, it means that the first part of the lesson needs to be done by students at home. Learn more about flipped classroom and how we implement it in these lesson plans in our post.


In the pre-class part of the lesson, students work with vocabulary for discussing films. They complete texts about taste in films with film genres (e.g. action films, biopics, crime films). Then, students read the texts again and find expressions for discussing film preferences (e.g. absolutely love, not my kind of thing, be a big fan of). After that, they complete responses using words to create phrases about preferences (e.g. You must… (fan). You must be a big fan of fantasy.). 


In the in-class part of the lesson, students practise vocabulary for discussing films. They look at sets of emojis and decide what genre they represent (e.g. fantasy, romcom, horror). Students then choose two genres they like and two they don’t. They explain why using phrases about preferences (e.g. be a big fan of, be fond of, be into). Afterwards, students listen to a video about what science fiction is. Next, they choose the correct option to complete statements about it. Following that, students do tasks where they name sci-fi films, share their opinions and discuss their film preferences

At this point in the lesson, students choose genres (e.g. biopics, sci-fi, thrillers) and discuss questions about them (e.g. What makes a person’s life interesting enough to be turned into a biopic?). Following that, they practise more vocabulary for discussing films. Students finish sentences using the correct words to create phrases for expressing opinions on films (e.g. cry your eyes out, find it hard to believe). Then, they say which emotion the person might be feeling in each case, based on the phrases they created. Finally, students read viewer profiles. They choose two viewers and recommend something new for them to watch. Students use the target vocabulary from the lesson.


This lesson plan also includes an additional task that you can use as homework or revision. In the task, students add details to comments using the target vocabulary from the lesson. The task is available in the teacher’s version of the worksheet. You can print it and hand it out to your students. It’s also included in the e-lesson plan.



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  1. summityourenglish

    Teacher’s version does not download.

    1. Justa

      Hi! There was a temporary glitch, but it works fine now. Please, check it out again 🙂

      1. summityourenglish

        thank you 🙂

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