Share Your Lesson! Competition Top 10 Shortlist - ESL Brains

Share Your Lesson! Competition Top 10 Shortlist

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What’s the story?

For some time, we’re wondering how many teachers out there are also material writers and wanted to discover their approaches to creating lessons. We figured  that to motivate some of you, but also to recognize your work and talent, we’ll do it in a form of a competition. And that’s how we came up with the Share Your Lesson! Competition with the total prize pool of $200, incl. $100 for the winner.

If you are thinking about taking part in it, then it’s a bit too late. The submissions were open between Sept 16 and Sept 25 for our members (on Patreon). But you can still contribute and help us choose the best lesson plan.

Help us choose the best lesson plan

We received 31 lesson plans! That’s a lot to go through but we were super excited to get to know what other people create. According to the competition rules, we had to choose top 10 lessons and rank them. But the winners won’t be decided just by us. You, our supporters on Patreon, will help us by picking your favourite ones and this way we will have 3 jury members: Stan, Justa and the ESL Brains teacher community. We published the top 10 lesson plans and a survey where our patrons (members) can cast their vote. Hurry up, the voting ends on Sunday, Oct 18th.

Obviously, voting and access to the lesson plans are only available to our patron(now: members).  

Who made it to top 10

It took us a bit more than expected to choose the top 10 lesson plans and publish them for you to judge as well. It simply wasn’t an easy task considering the variety of topics, tasks and approaches. We had lessons for A2 to C1 students, both focusing on Business English and General English. There were lesson plans where the objective was to practise some grammar point, teach new vocabulary or simply practise speaking skills. And we were just overwhelmed by the variety of topics that these lessons introduced – some of them led me down the Internet rabbit hole as I wanted to know more. Just to give you a taste of the diversity, let me say that we learnt about the story of Black Pete, a Santa’s help from the Netherlands, about Kumbh Mela – the largest religious event in the world, but also about the power of resilience or terraforming Mars. OK, but who made it to top 10?

Below you’ll see the lesson topics to give you a glimpse of the best submissions:

Share Your Lesson Plan Top 10 (in alphabetical order)

  • Are you an Imposter or the Real Deal? – [B2]
  • A Sweet Gig – [B1]
  • Cancel Culture – [B2]
  • Do you remember these 2010s trends and fads? – [B2]
  • Effective Networking – [B1]
  • Killer whales have families too – [C1]
  • Multi-generational homes – [B2]
  • That’s remarkable! – [B1]
  • The Great Realisation – [B2]
  • Why do cats act so weird? – [C1]


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