Type: Standard Lesson
Standard Lesson 60 min
Event management
Business GeneralTalk about event management and share experiences with this lesson! Students practise event management phrases, watch a video about making events memorable and discuss how they would plan and manage a successful event.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Will we live in a smart city?
Grammar TechnologyDiscuss how technology can solve urban issues! In this lesson, students review future forms, watch a video about smart city services, and imagine they participate in a survey. They also role-play discussions about plans using future forms.
Standard Lesson 60 min
We love travelling!
Grammar LifestyleTalk about holiday likes and dislikes with this lesson! Students work on vocabulary about holiday activities, practise like/love/hate + ing and explore spelling rules to create gerunds. They also watch a video about a family who travels in a campervan!
Standard Lesson 60 min
Feel your feelings
GeneralTalk about emotions with this lesson! Students learn and practise emotion adjectives, watch a film trailer and discuss tweets about the film Inside Out 2. They also discuss emotions triggered by different experiences.
Standard Lesson 60 min
To tip or not to tip
BusinessTalk about different tipping practises with this lesson! Students explore advanced vocabulary to talk about financial situations, watch a video on why Americans are tipping less and share their personal experiences!
Standard Lesson 75 min
Can I get a cup of tea? (at a café)
GeneralExplore café situations! Students practise phrases for ordering and serving food, watch and listen to customer-server interactions, and role-play a conversation at a café. They also ask and answer questions about the menu.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Nice glasses! (giving and receiving compliments)
GeneralStudents give and receive compliments in this lesson! They watch a funny video in which a man compliments strangers, learn phrases to give and receive compliments, and discuss the concept. They also role-play compliment situations and look at compliment rules!
Standard Lesson 60 min
What if it had never been invented?
Grammar TechnologyTalk about inventions and their influence on people’s lives! With this lesson, students practise conditional structures, watch two videos on relevant inventions and speculate about alternative outcomes to different creations.
Standard Lesson 60 min
When is your birthday?
GeneralTalk about important dates with this lesson! Students learn and practice weekdays, months, and dates. They discuss birthdays, watch a video about significant dates, and share important dates of their own. They also work in pairs asking and answering questions.
Standard Lesson 75 min
Just to confirm… (functional language for meetings)
BusinessTalk about meeting situations with this lesson! Students practise phrases for meetings, watch a funny video and share their own experiences. They also role-play a situation where they are employees at a company discussing who does which task.
Standard Lesson 60 min
All about acting
General GrammarExplore different perspectives on acting with this lesson! Students practise phrases related to acting, watch videos with famous actors and share their opinions. They also plan and present their vision for a film and practise cleft sentences for emphasis.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Do you often take the bus to work?
General LifestyleWith this lesson, students talk about ways of getting around! They discuss different transport, practise transport-related vocabulary and watch a video about Luxembourg public transportation. They also explore adjectives and revise frequency adverbs!
Standard Lesson 60 min
Spotting the flags
LifestyleEngage in discussing behaviours in relationships with this lesson! Students practise vocabulary for discussing relationships and watch a video about red, green and beige flags. They also share their opinions on relationship flags and their impact.
Standard Lesson 60 min
It’s his friends’ house (possessives)
General GrammarPractise possessive nouns and adjectives with this lesson! Students discuss people’s favourite things and personal information. They also listen to a dialogue about photos on social media.
Standard Lesson 60 min
How to spot a scammer
General TechnologyWith this lesson, students talk about scams and online safety! They practise phrases to discuss scams, share their thoughts and watch a video about a scam tactic. Students also talk about prevention efforts and discuss online security habits.
Standard Lesson 60 min
Chatting with co-workers (fillers and backchanneling)
BusinessPractise filler words with this lesson! Students share what they chat with their colleagues about, watch two short videos of small talk at work and explore filler words to make conversations more natural. They also role-play dialogues.
Standard Lesson 60 min
In my neighbourhood
General LifestyleStudents talk about neighbourhoods! They learn words for common places in a neighbourhood, and learn adjectives for people and places. They work with maps, listen to a recording, and watch a video. They also do a ‘this or that’ activity.
Standard Lesson 60 min
The ticking of the clock
GeneralPractise advanced time phrases with this lesson! Students discuss the perception of time, watch a video about a man who’s been travelling by bike for a year and reflect on their own experiences and preferences. They also work on collocations!