Topic: Culture Vulture
Standard Lesson 60 min
Let’s binge watch it together!
LifestyleIn this lesson plan students learn advanced TV vocabulary, discuss statistics connected with binge watching and talk about their TV series watching habits.
Flipped Lesson 60 min
Let’s go to the movies! – ESL lesson plan on films
LifestyleThis ESL lesson plan on films is based on a video review of Pain and Glory. Your student will learn new vocabulary and write a short film review themselves.
Standard Lesson 30 min
Movie quotes you should know!
Grammar LifestyleWith this worksheet, your students will learn some classic movie quotes, use them to practise reporting verbs and do some fun pairwork activity.
Standard Lesson 75 min
How video games change the world
TechnologyUse our C2 lesson plan to get your students talking about video games and teach them some new vocabulary as well as talk about the impact of video games.
Standard Lesson 45 min
The history behind brunch
LifestyleThe goal of the lesson is to teach students portmanteaus, that is linguistic blends of words. It includes most common blends that might be useful in everyday life.
Standard Lesson 45 min
Building a museum of museums on the web
LifestyleThe lesson plan is about art and museums. Students have a lot of opportunities to express their likes and dislikes in these areas.