C1 / Advanced
2 lessons

Forming logical arguments

Business General Technology

In the first lesson of this set, students learn and practise conjunctions while talking about argumentation. Then, they further practise the conjunctions while using arguments to discuss some moral dilemmas.

C1 / Advanced
3 lessons

Talking about leadership and management


Students organically move from discussing leadership and working without a boss to managing people with the help of technology. Along the way, they also have a chance to learn and practise useful phrases. 

C1 / Advanced
2 lessons

Communicating better at work


The lessons in the set help students learn how to communicate better at work and find the balance between being assertive but polite and between using simple language and corporate jargon.

C1 / Advanced
2 lessons

Make yourself discoverable


In the first lesson, students discuss how LinkedIn can help people find a job. In the second lesson, they talk about using apps to find a job or to find an employee.

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