English lesson plan for HR
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Can stay interviews keep employees from leaving?


In this lesson, students discuss the idea of stay interviews in depth and learn phrases which are useful to talk about employer-employee relationship. 

warehouse stores vocabulary
B2 / Upper Intermediate | C1 / Advanced
Standard Lesson 60 min

Unconventional business model


In this lesson, students learn about furniture retailer IKEA and discuss its business model. Then, they come up with their own business idea for a shop.

people with question marks
B2 / Upper Intermediate | C1 / Advanced
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Curious questions about curiosity


In this lesson, students discuss the topic of curiosity in humans, practise collocations from the article, and reflect on how curiosity has shaped their lives. 

phrasal verbs with away
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Chasing the birds away (phrasal verbs with away)


In this lesson students learn and practise phrasal verbs with away, watch a video about a dog working at an airport and discuss the jobs dogs do.

giving a presentation
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Presentation: putting skills into action


With this lesson plan, students practise giving a presentation in English by doing a lot of different speaking activities. The lesson is the third of the three-part series of lessons about delivering presentations. 

B2 / Upper Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Our lives rely on social media more than we think


This lesson plan is based on an article about a social media outage which students read at home. In the lesson, students learn some useful vocabulary and discuss possible consequences of all social media ceasing to exist.

speaking lesson plan
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

Rethinking your mindset

Business Lifestyle

With this speaking lesson plan, students watch a video about growth and fixed mindsets and get plenty of opportunities to discuss them. They also learn some collocations referring to challenges and development, as well as practise word formation.

business presentations in English
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

How to nail that presentation


In this lesson about business presentations in English, students discuss presentation structures in depth, watch a video with tips on giving presentations, and learn useful words and phrases related to the topic. The lesson is the first of the three-part series of lessons about delivering presentations. 

B2 / Upper Intermediate | C1 / Advanced
Critical Reading Club 30 min

To shuffle or not to shuffle?


In this lesson students discuss the article they read at home about Adele’s request to remove the shuffle button on her album. They also study collocations with the words album and track. 

saying no in English
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

I wish I could but I don’t want to


In this lesson students watch a video about strategies for saying ‘no’ in English and discover some useful phrases to say ‘no’ politely. They also put them into practice through a role-play.

carbon footprint
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Why eating locally is not enough

Global Issues

In this worksheet students practise some language related to food’s carbon footprint. They also discuss their food choices and the factors that influence them.

gig economy lesson plan
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

The gig economy: good or bad for workers?


This lesson plan gives students the opportunity to learn and practise words related to freelance work and discuss pros and cons of the gig economy. 

ESL vocabulary puzzles
B1 / Intermediate | B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 45 min

Can you figure it out? ESL vocabulary puzzles


This is a set of ESL vocabulary puzzles rather than a typical ESL Brains lesson plan. Each of the puzzles can be used separately as a time filler, a warm-up, etc.

a person playing computer games
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Critical Reading Club 30 min

How much control should the state have over children’s upbringing?

Global Issues Lifestyle

In this lesson students engage in a discussion on the control the state should have over children’s upbringing and discover some vocabulary related to the topic.

circular economy
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

The circular economy


In this lesson, students discover pros and cons of the linear and circular economy and learn some new vocabulary and collocations related to the topic. They also work on a case study and come up with strategies to transform a company following a linear model into a more circular one.

Top plastic waste-generating country is not in Asia
B2 / Upper Intermediate | C1 / Advanced
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Top plastic waste-generating country is not in Asia

Global Issues

This lesson gives students the opportunity to discover some language related to plastic pollution, discuss the problem of plastic waste and reflect on some eco-friendly ways to deal with other types of waste.

origins of new words
B2 / Upper Intermediate
Standard Lesson 60 min

How are new words created?


In this lesson about the origins of new words in English, students practise their listening skills, figure out the meanings of some newly formed words and eventually create their own new words.

B2 / Upper Intermediate | C1 / Advanced
Critical Reading Club 30 min

Is it ‘OK not to be OK’ when you’re an athlete?

Business Lifestyle

In this lesson students learn words and expressions related to mental health while talking about mental health issues suffered by athletes. They also discuss ways to promote mental health by public institutions.

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